Overriding ( bypass) the plug-in interlock circuit

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Thanks guys for your feedback. Greatly appreciated. 😁
Innovation generally comes from pushing the boundaries of existing laws.
I will like your input.
All I need is how to get my concept power/ voltage output into the energy system of the car.
Think about it.
When the concept was tested with vehicle in static position, it was able to provide enough charge via the charge cable. The limiting factor remains, the car will not go into ready mode with the charger cable plug, plugged in. Reason why I am seeking advice, how to go around this.
Innovation generally comes from pushing the boundaries of existing laws.
As already mentioned, you can push boundaries all you want, but the First Law of Thermodynamics won’t budge: energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be converted from one form to another.

If your invention isn’t using kinetic energy, where is the power coming from?

When the concept was tested with vehicle in static position, it was able to provide enough charge via the charge cable.
The charge indicator light on the dash is just confirmation that the cable is plugged in, not that the car is actually charging.

Therefore how long did it take to add 1 bar on the fuel gauge when you tested your concept in standstill?