Overriding ( bypass) the plug-in interlock circuit

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kimi E

Oct 16, 2024
I am a new owner of an EV, miev.
I got it for a project. As part of the project I need to bypass ( override) the plug-in interlock circuit, so the on board charger can accept current via the plug-in circuit while the car is driving.
If anyone share some ideas, I will greatly appreciate.

Howdy and welcome to the forum.

Where or how would you get a source of AC power (120 or 240 vac) to plug into the charge port while driving?

The EV-ECU is the master control unit for the car, driving or charging.
I am currently working on a concept which will generate way over 240 AC volts as the car drives, I have tested this, the last of the puzzle is a way to connect the power supply to the charging circuit.
I am currently working on a concept which will generate way over 240 AC volts as the car drives, I have tested this, the last of the puzzle is a way to connect the power supply to the charging circuit.
Don’t think AC charging while driving using the OBC is possible for a number of reasons.

Better option (imho) would be to convert it to (360V) DC and power the HV pack/inverter directly, but that isn’t as simple as it sounds either..

Thanks Mickey for your input.
Do you happen to know the best Mitsubishi miev software tool which could be used to make changes to the ECU programming?
I am also trying to identify the cables from the inverter to the onboard charger, via which the Regen inputs to the charger, I wonder if this route could be used
I am also trying to identify the cables from the inverter to the onboard charger, via which the Regen inputs to the charger, I wonder if this route could be used
The OBC isn’t active (apart from the 12V aux DC/DC section) when in READY (i.e driving).

Regen energy produced by the 3 phase AC motor is going directly into the HV battery by running the inverter ‘in reverse’

Do you happen to know the best Mitsubishi miev software tool which could be used to make changes to the ECU programming?
Diagbox / MUT3 are the dealer diagnostic tools which allow you to download FW to the ECUs, however the files required are proprietary and there is little to no information on how to modify them.
Thanks Mickey, you mean you add a new battery pack? .
Can't I charge the drive battery itself via the high voltage pathway?
Then you feed directly into the HV line? Does that mean the HV pathway doesn't need ECU activation?
Do I just attach the auxiliary DC input to the battery input terminals?
Then you feed directly into the HV line?
Does that mean the HV pathway doesn't need ECU activation?
With the car ready, HV pathway is active
Do I just attach the auxiliary DC input to the battery input terminals?
Not advisable unless you can match the voltage of the HV battery at all time to prevent equalisation currents.

Every little bit helps but imho you’d want to be able to provide at least 1kW continuous DC power (360V/3A) to make this project worth your while…
Sorry I missed out on you previous question, what kind of power can I generate.
So far I have achieved 700v AC/ 300 DC at same speed and between 250 to 300 Dc sustainable
I am yet to optimize my output both DC and AC.
In regards to stabilizing the DC output, this is car speed dependent, given the faster the car goes the more voltage output you have.
That is the bases of my concept.
I was hoping this could easily be integrated into the energy recovery circuit of the car
what kind of power can I generate[?]
So far I have achieved 700v AC/ 300 DC at same speed and between 250 to 300 Dc sustainable
Unfortunately electrical engineering is not my background,

Yes we can tell, because voltage is not the same thing as power.

An education is an expensive luxury--either thru tuition to university, or thru the school of hard knocks.

Please take a look at the inventions of others on the diy electric car forum to see if your idea is feasible.

Unfortunately electrical engineering is not my background, I am learning as I go along.
Ok, but you know this; if you create energy out of something moving you will inherently slow it down. Converting kinetic energy into electric form will have losses und using this energy to power the car won’t be 100% efficient either…

So in essence you’re better off without whatever you’re suggesting…