Main Traction Battery Upgrade i-MiEV

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What Mickey said!

My code definitely changes the capacity.

The latest version changes it to 83.7Ah

Yes i was quoting a different code.

This is interesting. So by changing the value in that code to whatever number i wish, i can change the capacity? This is with a CAN device between BMU and the car?

There is not reason not to upgrade the car to the latest battery technology, so this is very good. Thanks for your hard work so far
This discussion focuses on upgrades to NMC cells which have been around for a while, if you don’t mind me asking, what are you thinking of using instead?
Well the easiest would be the 93ah NMC batteries, I just meant that given the opportunity cost, value and technology advancement in battery technology in over a decade since this car came out, there is no reason to go "back" to the LE50 batteries.

But I have some experience building 18650 battery packs, perhaps I could make bundles of them to replace the current cells?

But I also have 2 toddlers so I dont think I would have time to sit and weld 2700 batteries either :)
Welcome, @Joel_1885 I'm glad to see another PNW tinkerer pick up the MiEV! I have a couple of spare packs intended for rebuilding, so if you'd prefer to keep your car running during the battery rebuild, let's collaborate. I'm also sending a PM