2015 Summary:
Bear - There are 265 entries in my log, meaning roughly 265 days out of 365 days of driving the i-MiEV (pretty much workdays, plus a few weekends of driving). Last year, I drove 9,673.1 miles, using 2,538.18 kWh including numerous quick charges). This nets 3.81 mi./kWh, and at 7 cents/kWh, a cost of $177.67, netting $54.44 miles/dollar.
Koorz - Purchased 1 year ago yesterday. Driven approximately 2,000 miles, mostly by family members. I've put roughly 200 miles on by driving Koorz to work while Bear was having the battery replaced. Koorz was also loaned to a friend for a few days to compare against his LEAF.
Lifetime Summary:
Bear - Currently has 28,060 miles on the odometer. Total energy consumption is 7,375.46 kWh. At 7 cents/kWh, this nets a lifetime 3.77 mi./kWh and $53.83 miles/dollar, including highway driving, away from home charging, and all heat/AC usage. Not too bad for wall-to-wheels (which includes charging losses) and driving mostly with traffic (some high-efficiency driving during longer stretches, but nothing to impede traffic).
Koorz- Above. I haven't tracked energy usage with Koorz.
Lifetime Maintenance:
1. First set of tires wore out around 13,000 miles. Replaced front with Continental and bought a full new set of Dunlops with warranty proration from the dealer. Just had the Dunlop front tires put on in November for the winter. I'll finish out the Continental front tires this summer.
2. Battery cell #10 failed a week after a 127 mile trip which included two CHAdeMO charges in May. Whole pack replaced.
3. Two sets of front Windshield wipers. Replaced the rear wiper once.
4. Sanded down and repainted all four wheels to remove rust.
5. Gearbox oil change by dealer (not sure it was required).
6. Whole slew of recalls, with latest airbag sensor pending.
7. Rear parking sensors replaced. They were continuously beeping.
8. Several Wash/Wax jobs, done by me.
1. Replaced rear wiper blade.
2. Took in for a once-over, recalls, and to clear MCU Warning light (likely caused by a flat 12 volt battery from leaving the lights on

3. Wash/Wax job, done by me.