Greetings From Norway

Mitsubishi i-MiEV Forum

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New member
May 13, 2024
Hello Forum from Norway.
Long time owner of 2011 iMiEV, with about 120000 KM on the clock. I now have a few issues, so thought I would see if I could get some pointers. Ive posted the question already, should have introduced myself first...Sorry.

@telemark Andy, welcome to the forum.

Hopefully someone can respond to your ABS/ASC query.

it's always fun to know where in the world someone is located, as we occasionally find other i-MiEV owners close to us. You might consider updating your profile (which will show your location by your username whenever you post), as in the future people might not remember your introductory post. The procedure described here:
Hei Andy,
I spent 5 years in Stavanger and Oslo as a kid, and last visited in 2022 for EVS35. I was disappointed to see when visiting with and talking to Norsk elbilforening members to learn that taking care of older EVs is not very popular, especially with 'early modern EVs' like the iMiEV and ZEO Leaf. The Think, Budd-e and Kewit have a few caretakers, but it seems that our cars are more viewed as disposable.
Is that what you mainly see in Norway?