Highway Trip With Graphs

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Staff member
Dec 15, 2011
Hills above Silicon Valley, California
As I've been fuming over that Consumer Reports writeup regarding range anxiety and allowing myself to cool down before responding, thought I'd share another set of data points I took on Tuesday.

This was a 42-mile trip to an evening meeting at a friend's house, where I recharged (but not fully) using my L2 SPX Xpress EVSE plugged into his dryer outlet before returning home. Despite this incomplete charge, I had RR=86 at the start for the trip home.

We had already put on about 30 miles on the iMiEV earlier that day, but was fully charged before starting, with a starting RR of 59.

I started off with 5pm heavy commute traffic but moving fast for the first 20 miles in the HOV lane (you wouldn't know it by looking at the graph). Being sandwiched between two monster SUVs undoubtedly helped.

Coming back was simply a high-speed get home on the freeway no-worries zoom. The differences between the two distances is simply due to freeway overpass onramp/offramp looping.

Only caveat is that I am running significantly higher tire pressures (60psi) than the stock-36psi. It was very warm going there, and, coupled with the tailwind, I think that helped the range.

Here are the two graphs of this excursion, showing significant differences in energy consumption for basically the same distance covered. After driving the 42 miles TO his house and still having a RR of 44 miles :!: , I'm pretty confident I could have made it back home without recharging if I had to.


How did you collect this data? Periodic notation of the SoC and RR displays? Camera recording?

I'd like to record this same data automatically, somehow.
leec said:
How did you collect this data? Periodic notation of the SoC and RR displays? Camera recording? I'd like to record this same data automatically, somehow.
First off, I mounted an older Garmin GPS on top of the dashboard to the left by the window ($60 refurbished). It has an 'instrument' display feature (trip miles, miles to go, large speedo, average speed, moving average speed, max speed, etc.). I'm afraid I'm not automated but merely use an old voice tape recorder and every few miles read off the trip miles, fuel gauge, and RR, with miles-to-go being superfluous but something always of interest to bounce off RR on long trips (I can also back into this number after the trip). If my wife was with me we also tracked altitude on the iPad. Sorry, not high-tech but good enough to do the job, and transcribing into an Excel spreadsheet isn't too onerous. When we first got the iMiEV I did it a few times and published the results in case anyone was interested in 'real' numbers. As one acquires experience and confidence in the car, this very quickly becomes 'old-hat' and probably not worth the trouble to automate and track, IMO.