The website doesn't seem to mention anything about future electric vehicles like the Mitsubishi i-Miev and how those would be allowed to participate or be integrated into the EV project.
A quick google search shoed up all sorts of electric vehicle projects to do with the Mistubishi i-Miev like the pilot project in the UK to provide 20 Mitsubishi i-Miev electric vehicles to a company to test the sustainability of them, but that's a little different than you were wondering...
Well I do not know too the reason why did they not include MiEV on the site.
In addition to that, I have learned that the EV Project is maintained by the firm ECOtality, which announced that it will now provide free Blink intelligent charging stations for green drivers and companies in Atlanta, Chicago and Philadelphia. I think that's a great idea. Particularly, EV Project to provide free chargers for urban EV drivers.