We got hit with the same storm as the rest in the Northeast late last week--- 17 inches of new snow fell from 9pm 12/26 to the afternoon of 12/27, with several hours of 2"+ per hour. Since my i doesn't have snow tires, it stayed in the garage (my VW TDI with new snows made it into work, plowing snow over the headlights in the morning).
Taking the i out later on the (mostly) plowed roads, it's pretty stable and predictable, and the stability control is clearly up to the task. The skinny tires are a major plus in snow, biting down for a better grip.
Couple notes- JoeS asked about turning off the ASC- this is usually done on other cars to "rock" your way out of snow or mud. It's hard to explain, but when you're already stuck, you don't want the ASC to be working against you as you try and rock the car back and forth, using the momentum of the car to give you traction... I got my MiEV stuck in the mud on the lawn washing it this fall (pretty easy with those skinny tires, which are a negative in mud) and tried the ASC off, but had to get my wife to steer while I pushed.
I had wondered about how the ASC handles lift-throttle oversteer situations (think old VW's and Porsches) in snow. Given that lift-throttle situations kick in the regen at various levels, this could be potentially dangerous when entering a curve on slippery roads and letting off the "gas."
My curiosity was whether the controller would reduce regen in this situation, or just use the brakes. I found out today, when on purpose, I put the car in "B" and let off the throttle while steering tightly into a curve. The ABS kicked in and held the car's attitude facing forward, regen remained the same. Question answered!
Finally, there have been questions regarding range versus temperature versus heat. I've been tracking this for my i since September as the temperatures have fallen. Coldest temperature so far has been about 0F, -18C. Subzero weather is forecast for later this week. Range definitely takes a hit both from the cold and from the heater. I am not as dedicated about putting heated shoes and vests or blankets on to save the battery as others (Sandange is the champ for that one!), so I just go ahead and use the heat/defrost and drive as normal, since the reduced range is no problem in my circumstances... I just charge more often.
Since I'm no good at posting pics here, here is a URL to the PDF of the chart:
I apologize for the mixed units- I monitor weather using SI units and the car's RR is in miles... if I weren't so lazy, I would change it... maybe I will later.