I'll accept PV1's defense this time, but my wife certainly has a much better lifetime efficiency average in MR BEAN. Unless circumstances are extenuating, I usually drive it like I stole it.
Sandange, my recalibration recharge was on L2 in freezing temperatures. I have't studied it, but have not noticed any long-lasting effect of recalibration, probably because we do it so often. This morning when I left home with the heater blasting, RR was 45, just like normal.
MR BEAN gets two deep L1 recharges per week during my wife's overnight shifts, and usually gets down to two bars or less for a recalibration recharge on L2 at least once per week. The main change in our usage pattern is that I now use DCFC pretty rarely. Due to the unreliability and cost of DCFC, I'm down to maybe one session per month rather than at least one per week, which was the rule from 2012-2015. We did this by having my wife keep the car on what used to be a double-electric commute day, but the net effect is only shifting about 15-20 more miles per week to our gasser.
Sandange, my recalibration recharge was on L2 in freezing temperatures. I have't studied it, but have not noticed any long-lasting effect of recalibration, probably because we do it so often. This morning when I left home with the heater blasting, RR was 45, just like normal.
MR BEAN gets two deep L1 recharges per week during my wife's overnight shifts, and usually gets down to two bars or less for a recalibration recharge on L2 at least once per week. The main change in our usage pattern is that I now use DCFC pretty rarely. Due to the unreliability and cost of DCFC, I'm down to maybe one session per month rather than at least one per week, which was the rule from 2012-2015. We did this by having my wife keep the car on what used to be a double-electric commute day, but the net effect is only shifting about 15-20 more miles per week to our gasser.