A-ha! Thanks for that. Not sure why the manual didn't mention "Got a problem with your car but don’t need the emergency services? Just press the Peugeot Connect Assistance button and you’ll be connected to our control centre over the system’s integrated phone. They’ll either help you sort out the problem yourself or send out Peugeot Assistance to help you at the roadside." That might have been quite handy the other day when I managed to find 3 Chademo chargers in succession that didn't work and left me stuck. When I rang the assist number in the front of the manual some dozy operator sent the AA (AAA) out to me with a flat battery problem - ICE battery, that is. He took one look at my EV and said "Nothing I can help you with!".
Quite why one can't access the car remotely over the same system is a bit of a mystery. Set it to pre-condition the car remotely, unlock it if you leave your keys in it, etc, etc…
It would also save me having to install OVMS.