MatimaND, your post prompted me to pull out the owner's manual and try to find what exactly the required maintenance schedule for the iMiEV is… after all, I have almost 14,000miles on mine and maybe there's something I should have been doing?
Funny, I couldn't find anything … maybe someone can point me to the schedule itself as Chapter 7 merely discusses the various fluids needing to be checked (coolant, window washer, brake) and tire pressure, which we all do routinely anyway (don't we?), and also tells us where the fuses are located and how to replace a lightbulb. Hmm, maybe I should examine those windshield wiper blades with a magnifying glass, and I really should clean/replace that cabin air filter one of these days…
MatimaND, perhaps this is one of the reasons dealerships are not too keen on selling electric vehicles: there's no post-sale money in it for them. Maybe if there are enough recall notices then you might need to combine them for a trip to the dealer - but in that case you might give yourself some time and make the trip to the dealer a mini-adventure: get some appropriate adapters and a transportable L2 EVSE and plan on stopping at a campground along the way (they have 240v) to recharge (if there are no public EVSEs along the way).
If you do the math you'll find that 200 miles/day is easily achievable with opportunity charging, but that's another thread...