I-miev does not start. Need help

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Well-known member
May 4, 2018

just got first serious problem with my i-miev. I was driving it and everything was ok. Last time I charged it 2 weeks ago. The charge level was 6 bars, car was standing in the shed. But during this period I used it to drive short distances. Yesterday I planned longer trip, so I fully charged it, drove out of shed and turned off as I wanted to add OBD reader. After adding, I turned it on and got yellow triangle.
12 V battery is brand new (6 months old), I laso have taken it out and fully charded. Put back but no progress.
The nearest repair shop is 250 km away, so it is expensive to transport it. May be you could suggest where to look for the problem?
Also is any chance of reading errors using OBD reader? CANion cannot read error codes?

Photo of the dashboard: https://ibb.co/vBSmnxH
Some OBD devices will cause the car to flash trouble lights on the dash. For example i have had this happen when trying to use a generic OBDII reader made by Launch. These devices are based upon the 431 DPU chip. i've had this happen when trying to run the Torque App over Bluetooth while using the Scantool LX OBD dongle.

What OBD device and app are you using when this error occurred?
Do you get the errors without the OBDLink device plugged in?

I have an LX as well but I've plugged other sorts of devices and an OBD cable odd Amazon and it made the control panel go berserk.

I've also gotten errors with the LX and using the official app as it used some strange protocol settings.

But taking it out and restarting car caused no issues.
i use the iCarsoft i909 (Mitsubishi and Mazda) to monitor CAN datastream items and read and reset trouble codes. Here is a link to the factory description of it.

i found a low price on ebay of about $120 and bought it there. It has a bug in that data items numbered above 256 are not available, e.g. for the BMU the balancer state for some of the cells in higher numbered modules doesn't show, but i haven't found that to be an issue. i suspect that it is using 8-bits for the data address and that causes the limit.

i took it apart and found that it uses the LAUNCH patented chipset (DPU431 and JV700) , so i bought a generic LAUNCH 431 OBDII reader and tried it, but it caused the trouble lights on the dash and wouldn't connect, so the firmware is not present for the imiev although the device looks identical. i may try to copy firmware over but it does work in ICE vehicles. It was only $22 from Uobdii.com with free shipping.

User Lic found an X431 scanner that works for the imiev but i don't have any specifics for model, vendor or price, etc., but from his posts it appears to read the CAN datastream, and read/reset DTCs.
With or without OBD reader, I get the same warning lights: yellow car with exclamation mark, battery and brakes.
If using OBDLink application, I always get error message that it cannot connect to the car. It was always, even, when the car was functioning. It looks like the software does not recognise the car.
I can connect CANion. It is working ok.
Several of us have had this similar issue when the 12V Aux battery was weak, old or worn out. i charged my Aux, measured it with voltmeter, etc refusing it could be weak, but the problem was solved after i replaced it. i had no tested it under load so didn't realize that it was worn out and couldn't do the job.

If the battery was removed or low for over a month or more, then the BMU can get confused and throw errors.

There are some links to Aux battery removal, charging and testing in the 2nd post of the troubleshooting thread for the on-board charrger.

Thank you, kiev. I will try to check the battery but I think that the cause of the problem should not be AUX battery. I bought new bosch battery approximatelly 5 month ago. I bought 6 years old I-miev with original battery. So my decision was to change it.
Also I am ordering iCarsoft i909 scan tool to check and clear error codes.
That i909 that you linked is exactly what i use.

Not sure why they said it doesn't work with EV. If you look at the vehicle coverage on the link i posted, it clearly shows the "i-miev" in the list of mitsubishi models.

12V aux normally shouldn't be the issue with a 6-month old battery, but i would want to measure to verify, e.g. OCV and loaded voltage after 15 seconds at 130 Amp load, specific gravity, etc.
Finally received iCarsoft scanner.
EV-ECU had 2 errors:
P1A15 - High voltage circuit
P1AFE - Quick charger malfunction

So I cleaned the errors, drove around 30 km in all gears D, ECO and B. Made several stops, turned it off and on. So far it runs ok. I hope that these errors were only some program errors because car was standing not charged for 2 weeks in cold.
I will try to drive it for a while and will try fast charging. Will inform further about situation.
P1A15 Notes:
The high-voltage circuit activation and shutdown are controlled by the EV-ECU. The EV-ECU also monitors the voltage of the smooth condenser in the EMCU via the CAN communication.

If the charging time of the smooth condenser in the EMCU reaches the specified time or more, the diagnosis code No. P1A15 will be set.

Damaged wiring harness or connector(s)
Malfunction of the high-voltage fuse No.1 (Main, 280A) (main battery assembly)
Malfunction of the main battery assembly
Malfunction of the EMCU

P1AFE Notes:
The quick charger communicates with EV-ECU via the local CAN.

When the quick charger present output voltage of 200 V or less continues for 10 seconds or longer, the diagnosis code No. P1AFA will be set.
After the quick contactor is driven, if the quick charger error signal from the quick charger is ON, the diagnosis code No. P1AFE will be set.
If the main battery current is 5 A or more and quick charging connection lock signal is OFF, the diagnosis code No. P1AFF will be set.
If the quick charger is not compatible with the vehicle main battery, the diagnosis code No. P1B00 will be set.

Malfunction of quick charger
to kiev: thank you. If the errors will appear again, I will have to go through the probable causes.

I was really surprised about error P1AFE as I had not used quick charger for 2 weeks. I used standard 220 V socket for charging. And error occurred several minutes after I disconnected Type 1 plug from the i-miev.
Seems to me that the OBDLink malfunctioned and set the codes on the car.

When I had the OVMS kit in my car, it malfunctioned while I was driving and rebooted the instruments (got the READY ding and everything). I never lost motive power, though.

I opened the Torque app one day and it lit up the dash like a Christmas tree. Closed the app and power cycled the car, all was fine. Glad you were able to get your car working again.
I also think that errors we chase by malfuction of OBDLink.
So far the car goes without any problem and I did not try to use OBDLink again.
There seems to be quite a bit of counterfeit OBDlink LX devices out there with the lime green case. One way to tell is by the type of screws used to hold the cover together. Another is to remove the screws, open the cover and inspect the circuit board. The fakes use an ELM 327 chip, which is very commonly used in generic OBDII readers, but seems to cause issues in the miev.
OBDlink LX I bought directly from producer in US. But in total I did not like how it works. It too often losts Bluetooth connection with my phone or tablet. I tried 5 different devices but the outcome was the same.
I never tried to update the OBDLink. May be it would help?

I already tried fast charging. So far it charges with no problem.
Had several long journeys for around 500 km. Everything worked just fine. But two times while charging using chademo port the car turned itseld at 57 percent and 65 percent. Reconnected and everything worked ok.
I had such issue some time ago but after reconnecting it worked just fine.
Gencis said:
OBDlink LX I bought directly from producer in US. But in total I did not like how it works. It too often losts Bluetooth connection with my phone or tablet. I tried 5 different devices but the outcome was the same.
I never tried to update the OBDLink. May be it would help?

I already tried fast charging. So far it charges with no problem.
Early OBDLink LX adaptors have a bluetooth firmware bug that caused loss of pairing. This has now been officially acknowledged by Scantool and an RMA program is available to send it back to have the bluetooth firmware reprogrammed at the factory, then sent back to you. Unfortunately the bluetooth firmware cannot be updated in the field. See the following threads:




This is a thread from last year where I helped diagnose the issue:


In short if your adaptor is R4 it needs the bluetooth firmware update.