Aerowhatt said:
...For me using regen without brake lights lit up is a safety issue (don't ask). So I adjusted the brake light switch ...
This topic has been discussed ever since regen has been implemented as a retardation force. No question that an accelerometer-actuated brake light could be easily implemented.There are many regulations which constrain the lighting of brake lights - if you've ever followed someone riding the brakes, you can appreciate what a horrible distraction it would become if brake lights were activated on even the slightest slowdown. From the gm-volt forum, here is an excerpt from an old post:
"The regulatation for Stop Lamp Illumination has been cited before ( Here is the table provided by Section of United Nations Addendum 12-H: Regulation No. 13-H Revision 2, "Uniform provisions concerning the approval of passenger cars with regard to braking," (, page 22):
Electric regenerative braking systems as defined in paragraph 2.17., which produce a retarding force upon release of the accelerator control, shall generate the signal mentioned above according to the following provisions:
<= 0.7 m/s/s The signal shall not be generated
> 0.7 m/s/s and <= 1.3 m/s/s The signal may be generated
> 1.3 m/s/s The signal shall be generated
In all cases the signal shall be de-activated at the latest when the deceleration has fallen below 0.7 m/s/s."
I believe the i-MiEV complies with this regulation, and there is nothing to prevent us from tapping the brake pedal when we see someone approaching us from the rear dangerously.
Aerowhatt, last year while traveling on Interstate 5 in my first Gen1 Honda Insight in the right lane at a steady 60mph, I was rear-ended by a drunk driver going >>> over the 70mph speed limit. Happy to come out of it alive, but as you can imagine I am very sensitive to vehicles behind me. In traffic, I'll invariably use my brake pedal to supplement any shift lever-actuated regen deceleration for that very reason. I can't see any downside to your increasing the sensitivity of the brake pedal light actuation.