Always Horn Beep when locking?

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2012
I would love it if anyone knew how to make the horn ALWAYS beep when I hit the Lock button on my key FOB.

I'm sure that whether the car beeps or not is somehow tied to the state of the headlights/running lights somehow.. like ,it beeps if the headlights where on when the car was turned off last, but doesn't beep if the running lights were on... Something like that.

Regardless, I'd love to just have the thing beep everytime I lock it.
I thought it was an option here but I don't see it listed

Check out page 3-8 of the owners manual. It is a challenge to get through what is written, and I think there is a different result if you have an ES or SE trim. I have an SE trim. I wanted no beep, followed the instructions, and no success. Went to dealer and they fixed it, so no beep. Just one of those things with this car for us early adopters.
BillThompsonMIEV said:
Check out page 3-8 of the owners manual. It is a challenge to get through what is written, and I think there is a different result if you have an ES or SE trim. I have an SE trim. I wanted no beep, followed the instructions, and no success. Went to dealer and they fixed it, so no beep. Just one of those things with this car for us early adopters.

I was able to somehow decipher the instructions and get my Miev to beep once upon locking, I would however like to get rid of the 2 light flashes that occur when unlocking car, don't see any instructions for this in the manual but it does say the dealer could make this adjustment, anyone have this done or know the procedure without having to take into the dealer, otherwise will request this during my 1-year checkup in a few months.
I posted this before here:

Repeat the procedure below until you get the setting you want.

The instructions are in the manual at page 3-8 (Answerback function), but the problem with the instructions is that they don't tell you what state the car must be in to start this procedure and the timing of holding/releasing the lock/unlock buttons are very unclear.

This is what worked for me and hopefully will work for anyone else who wants the horn to beep when setting the alarm - or who wants to disable that function. The instructions are to remove the key, open the door and turn off the headlights. Apparently they mean that literally. It is not enough to have the door open and lights off, everything must be done in sequence. So I started with the key in the "on" position but without the car actually running, I was charing while doing this. But the key was turned to "on", not "acc", the headlights were on and the driver's door was closed. I then turned the key to "lock" and removed it (this will give you a warning sund that you have left the lights on). I then opened the driver's door and left it open. I then turned off the headlights. Next I pressed and held the Lock button on the key for four seconds, then while still holding that button down I also pressed and held the Unlock button and held both buttons down for an additional six seconds - ten seconds total. I then released the Unlock button first, and within a second of that I released the Lock button, and Wahlah! I heard two beeps, indicating that the horn will now sound when I set the car alarm. It worked. Don, like you I really missed having that sound confirming that the alarm is set. With my old Passat it took two pushes of the Lock button to set the alarm and cause the horn to beep. Now with the MiEV, with one push of the Lock button the horn sounds. One annoying little oddity solved!
Everybody knows this is the sequence: Open the left rear passenger window. Take off your left shoe and sock and hop around the car three times on your left foot...counter-clockwise if you live in the northern hemisphere and clockwise if you live in the southern. Then while the radio is playing any FM station under 100 , turn the wipers from high to low 2 times. If the temperature is below 32 degrees F, you must do it 3 times. Then you can put your shoe back on...but not the sock...until 7 PM Eastern Standard Time., or in the case of Daylight Savings time...6 PM.
tonymil said:
I started with the key in the "on" position but without the car actually running, the key was turned to "on", not "acc", the headlights were on and the driver's door was closed. I then turned the key to "lock" and removed it (this will give you a warning sound that you have left the lights on). I then opened the driver's door and left it open. I then turned off the headlights. Next I pressed and held the Lock button on the key for four seconds, then while still holding that button down I also pressed and held the Unlock button and held both buttons down for an additional six seconds - ten seconds total. I then released the Unlock button first, and within a second of that I released the Lock button, and Wahlah!
This (eventually) worked for me too

I wanted the horn to sound ONLY when the lock button was pressed twice quickly - The owners manual says this is done when you have 4 beeps . . . . that didn't work for me

Following the above procedure the first time, I got a single beep, so I did it again and got 2 beeps, again and got 3 beeps and a 4th time gave me 4 beeps, just as the manual says . . . . but the 4 beeps did not give me the horn sound at all - The owners manual is evidently incorrect

I began again, got a single beep the first time, then two and then three and I quit there. The manual says this will give you a horn sound when locking the doors only if you leave the light switch in the 'AUTO' position, and it does, but it also gives you a beep when you quickly press the lock button twice and it works without the lights being set to 'AUTO' which is just what I wanted

So . . . . if you would like to be able to lock the car with either the horn sounding or not, try setting it to 3 beeps - It worked for me. No horn sound when locking with one press of the key fob, a quick horn sound if you press the lock button twice in rapid succession . . . . just like my Mazdas do :D

Don, I feel your pain! Having been through this I can just picture you going through all those steps over and over and over again..... If you were in Latham I'd buy you a drink. :D
:lol: I 'only' had to do it seven times! - I think I will go have a beer! :D

I'll be glad when we get access to all te other 'take it to the dealer' tricks mentioned in the owners manual - Specifically, I'd LOVE to do something with that really annoying 'Click-Clack' the turn signals make

When I needed to program another key fob for my Mazda, the dealer wanted $40 to do it (1/2 hr labor charge) but I Googled it and found the instructions online - Took all of 2 minutes to do. One day all those tips will be online for our cars too . . . . right here on this forum I hope!

Thanks for the discussion; I'd missed the earlier thread. I'm not sure what I want it to do yet, but I've been mystified as to its current behavior - it seems to me that it beeps when I park outside, but not when I park inside. Now that I've seen the bizarre tie-in with the headlights described, I'm starting to wonder if that's the explanation. I leave my headlight switch in Auto position, so my lights are ON when parked inside and OFF when parked outside in the daylight.

I'll try turning the lights from Auto to OFF after parking in the garage tomorrow. see if that causes the remote to beep the horn when locking.

I was also wondering about the settings for the horn
Thanks to this posting
I did the horn Dance and set it to the double press -horn beep
Mine beeps sometimes and then other times it doesn't i really have not looked into it but i think i will just go to the dealer and plug into the car and set it.

You should see the remote reprogram that is just as nuts and you can't do that one from the tech tool.

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