Even a "double pump" on CHAdeMO will charge the top 20% faster than level 2. I've seen some conflicting observations on how CHAdeMO works. There are some quick chargers in Maryland that reportedly charge straight to 100% without stopping at 80%, but I still haven't figured out if it is the car or the charger that triggers the stop at 80%. I started a QC once at 75% and the i-MiEV went straight to 100%.
I don't think anyone has mentioned altering Superchargers, but simply pointing out how long the top 20% of charge takes woulddiscourages people from sitting on high power equipment longer than necessary. Yes, there are times when I will sit on a CHAdeMO unit for a full hour to get to 100%, but that is because I use nearly a full charge to get home from that location. I have yet to have someone else pull up wanting a CHAdeMO charge while I'm there. If somebody does one day, I'll move over to level 2 to continue charging and let the next person burst charge to 80%.
But, if the i-MiEV is to charge faster near the top on DCQC, it would need to allow the cell voltages to rise above 4.11 volts. If it would allow the cells to go to 4.2 volts while taking a charge and stop at 99% SoC, the i-MiEV would probably take a full CHAdeMO recharge in 40 minutes instead of an hour.
Every time I think about the current mess (pun intended

) , I get a different feeling. From my everyday usage of my EV, I almost never use public infrastructure, and when I do, the 3.3 kW charge rate works just fine. But, I think of the future and which standards and charging techniques would work best with whatever the grid of the future may be. It seems that more and more folks that are installing solar are wanting batteries. The transmission style that works best with variable renewable energy sources is DC because the grid could be directly coupled to large battery banks with energy sources providing power to the battery banks (picture a typical off-grid PV system, but grid-scale, where the PV charges the batteries, and the loads run from the batteries). With this, I tend to imagine the future of EVs being totally DC power transfer, with the on-board charger being relegated to emergency use only. CHAdeMO has been proven in Japan to be able to send HVDC both to and from the vehicle's battery (Mitsubishi's M-Tech Labo and the MiEV Powerbox). I don't know if either SAE CCS or Tesla's TSL02 protocols support this.
The reason I feel bi-directional DC power flow is important is that I picture future homes having their own "micro-grid", where RE sources charge battery banks and run the house directly most of the time, with the home only falling back to grid power for power assist or to send out excess power. The grid itself would run on DC, and based on what I've heard from some folks in the industry, it seems that 380 VDC is the preferred nominal voltage. Regional grids connect multiple houses with central battery banks (the grid voltage is actually the terminal voltage of these large-scale batteries, which may or may not have some central RE generation equipment), and these regional grids can be connected by an ultra-high voltage backbone, which allows long distance inter-regional power sharing. But, the bi-directional power for EVs comes into play at the home. The homeowner could plug their EV in and use its battery in parallel with the dedicated home battery. In most circumstances, this would keep the EV's pack around 90% charge, and a 20 minute heads up to the system would allow the car to fully charge if necessary (I picture a button on the system's control pad to Prepare for Car Usage). Otherwise, the homeowner could simply just unplug the car when they leave and the system automatically disconnects from the car's battery when the connector is removed (similar behavior to how J1772 shuts down the charger when the button is pressed on the connector). The button to prepare the car would only be necessary if the car needed a full charge or was to be used again in a short period of time after returning with a low charge level. When this button is pressed, the system diverts excess generation to the car and, depending on the SoC of the house pack, uses energy from the house pack to rapidly recharge the car. If there isn't enough energy at the home to charge the car in a short period of time, then the system draws power from the grid to recharge the car. The car becomes part of the home micro-grid instead of a simple energy consumer.
So, how does a fully DC system fit into public charging? The Model S is soon to have a 100 kWh battery (currently offers up to 90 kWh). The max power output covered under the J1772 spec is 19.2 kW, which takes 5 hours to recharge a Model S, but nearly all charging stations only output 30-40 amps, which is 6.2 - 8.3 kW, which would take more than 10 hours to fully recharge (the current Bolt EV configuration takes 9+ hours to fully recharge on AC power). Tesla Superchargers are continuously improving and currently max out at 135 kW. CHAdeMO will handle 60 kW, and CCS is said to support 90 kW. While we do need more charging equipment, that equipment is going to need to have higher power outputs to satisfy the folks who can't think outside the "Gas Station Mindset". Is the AC grid going to be stable enough to handle a few million cars randomly pulling 50-140 kW each on top of the every day demand? Most likely, as there haven't been many if any instances where an EV causes a brownout/blackout, but the grid is in desperate need of an overhaul, much like the rest of the infrastructure in the US. I picture the electricity infrastructure becoming a tiered DC system, with redundancy down to the individual building. Each home and building can function on its own, but all buildings in a region are connected and can act as one, and each region is connected and makes up the entire electrical grid. Under this new structure, should something like a substation fail, it won't darken a region, but the buildings just lose their ability to share power and continue to run independently. Family members could use their EVs as mobile power sources in emergency situations (see here: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/08/automobiles/08JAPAN.html?_r=2&emc=eta1). But, this tiered system also applies to public charging locations, with quick chargers being battery-based so a steady current is drawn from the grid and not slammed with 100 kW each time a car is plugged in. With a solar canopy and a wind turbine, even the public chargers can operate independently if the grid goes down.
**If you don't want to read the wall of text above, here are the highlights:
1. EVs evolve to have Bi-directional DC power as the primary connection, for both charging and mobile power source.
2. A tiered, DC grid to allow redundancy down to the building level, so a failure of the grid doesn't darken houses and buildings. Each building is a micro-grid, a bunch of buildings make up a regional grid, and a bunch of regional grids make up the national grid.
3. The EV becomes part of the house power system to allow rapid recharge and providing extra battery capacity for the house (see here for a similar concept done by Mitsubishi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTNM61W9lVU M-Tech Labo at 2:35).
4. Massive expansion of a DC EV charging network using whichever connector ends up fitting the bill to support rapid charging of a very large number of EVs, with these stations also having their own battery-based RE system for the same benefits as #2.