Just came across this thread and that your car is still at the dealer.
It appears that on the report when you first took your car to the dealer, one of the items listed
is re-programming the EV-ECU. Now it sounds like they want to replace the EV-ECU.
I think the first fault was the Charger, but now they introduced a new fault onto the EV-ECU
when they were re-programming it. Last year, when Chris took his 2010 IMIEV to the dealer,
he had faulty charger, and the dealer tried first replacing the EV-ECU, Then told him he would
ALSO have to replace the charger. He had to pay for the EV-ECU even though it was not the fault.
He got his car back, I was able to fix the charger, and Chris gave me the spare original EV-ECU.
So I currently have this spare EV-ECU, which is probably ok, and I also have one in the wrecked
2010 IMIEV that I am using as a test bed. If you give me a PM with your phone number, maybe
one of these can be used to resolve your problem. Paceway probably would not accept use of
2nd hand parts due to warranty issues, but might use one in a temporary swap out for trouble
shooting. In regards to firmware revisions, Just recently, another AEVA member Paul, replaced
his charger with a brand new one he had shipped from Japan. There was no VIN locking issues
with the charger, and it was fully compatable with the old original firmware in his original
i Had a case where I tried starting a car with the service plug removed (by someone else previously working on the car) and getting the exclamation error and not going the READY. Then putting the plug back in, and trying to start the car, and car went to READY with no errors.
So in my case, the error codes were not permanently stored and did not prevent the car from going to READY once the service plug was put back in. I also had a case where I had the charger completely removed from the car, and temporarily tried to start the car, and it WOULD go to READY, even with errors from not having the charger in the car. Of coarse I had the errors of the 12v aux not charging, and could not leave it in this condition due to coolant fluid open tubes, but I was able to prove that not having a charger would not prevent the car from going to READY state. To me, it sounds like some other new fault has been introduced. Make sure that even with the service plug put back in, that the swing leaver on it is completely pressed down, as there is a sensor in this that will keep the car from going to ready if the sensor swith in the service plug is not fully activated. I think to go farther, you really need access to a MUT III, or get a dealer to run a scan on your car to see what the new fault actually is before you can go forward.