Here's a shot under the cargo space in the Mitsubishi i
A photo of the key fob that comes with the Mitsubishi i that tells you the state of charge of the batter pack. It can pre-heat or pre-cool the Mitsubishi i-miev and set the charging process.
And under the hood of the Mitsubishi i - not sure what's under here, but it looks like some batteries and some other normal stuff like windshield washer fluid and the brake master cylinder.

A photo of the key fob that comes with the Mitsubishi i that tells you the state of charge of the batter pack. It can pre-heat or pre-cool the Mitsubishi i-miev and set the charging process.

And under the hood of the Mitsubishi i - not sure what's under here, but it looks like some batteries and some other normal stuff like windshield washer fluid and the brake master cylinder.