I-Miev stopped charging

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May 22, 2016
Hi guys,
I have over 89K miles on 2012 and noticing it displaying all sorts of errors and no READY lights up. Attempted to charge using its own brick with 220v and 110v but neither work. Is the brick shot, or is it some issue with the car itself? I just hope it is not end-of-life for it.
Thanks for any suggestions or comments.
Additional info - As far as the brick is concerned, it has the green indicator on. But the orange indicator that shows it is charging does not come up. Red indicator is also not lit, which is good. I also noticed the display kind of flickering. Could it be the 12V battery that is dead? I read on this forum that it is needed to charge the car.
I would start by measuring the 12v battery in the car and perhaps connecting a smart battery charger to it for a few hours if it seems low.

Has the car been left to sit a lot recently or has it suddenly died in normal regular use ?
Hi DBMandrake,

Thanks for the tip, I will check it right after work. I do not have a smart charger, but can get my hands on a jump start kit. Good thing is that it is parked in a way that I can bring another car close to its front and run a jumpstart cable if needed.

It is our primary car that is used daily. I have a separate 220V to charge it. We parked and connected the charger and noticed hours later that it did not take any charge. My wife has been noticing a car with exclamation sign but it would go away really quickly so she was not very concerned about it. This seems to indicate high-voltage issue. Is that correct?
Good tip DBMandrake, it was low, almost 10.7. Used jump starter and now the car is charging. Earlier got an appointment for today to replace the battery, but when I went there this morning, they said there was no certified tech to work on imiev. Do you really need a certified tech to replace the battery? Isn't it a DIY?
Thanks for all the suggestion.