I-Miev 2012, rear noise rumble

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Apr 19, 2016
I am trying to identify the source of this rear noise rumble on my I-Miev 2012.
Any one had this issue yet?

From the sound testing appears to track with speed, and from the manual spin test with wheels off the ground it occurs at the same clocking position of the wheel--so i suspect an issue with the ball bearings in the left side CV joint. Check if one of the boots are cracked and let dirt or water mix into the nasty CV grease.
It is hard to access the inner cv joint, but the boots looks good so far.


The conclusion on this rear noise issue:

Over 4 month, the rear left lug nut had started to loosen. There was rust between the rim and the hub.
After removing the rust and tighten the lug nuts, the noise is gone....