Welcome aboard. I average 47 miles of mostly street i driving per day with lots of range to spare, but EVery Saturday take on a 54 mile highway round trip. I couldn't do the 54 mile trip in winter with a defogged windshield without holding up traffic on the 70 mph highway, but it's looking much more feasible now that spring has finally warmed up the pack. Unfortunately, my learning curve is following the seasons, so I can't completely rule out better driving, and don't have actual pack temps. For instance, after recharging from this morning's usual spirited 16 mile commute, my Guess O Meter produced 81 miles remaining, which is a good 20-30 miles above the wintertime results. (Don't recall what estimated range was at the end of this morning's commute.)
With this car I've settled on an efficiency compromise that lets me leap ahead of traffic at stoplights, accelerate to the legal (or commonly accepted) limit, and coast down to the next stop. The return on "pulse and glide" technique in this car, as measured in smiles per mile, is exponentially greater than with my gassers, and will be at least until I'm surrounded by EVs who can also leave the red lights with silent gusto.