Cold start up Problem

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Quebec, Canada
I've had this problem for about a year now and it has gotten worse and more evident in the colder temperatures

This usually happens in the morning and or when the car has been sitting for a long while

I turn the ignition to the self check position and all the systems cycle turning off the warning light, and when I go to ready they all come back on again .
It takes several attempts to get them to stay off so that I can drive off.

The car will still drive off with all the lights lit up and the ready light on but I don't like to risk being stranded somewhere .
Any one here had this problem?
Her is a video I made this morning
If you go straight to READY without pausing at ACC or On, do the lights still come on?

I wonder if you have a wheel sensor either going bad or one with a dirty/loose connection. The Cavalier used to light up the ABS and traction control lights when a replacement sensor went bad, even occasionally engaging the ABS under light braking. Put the old sensor back on, and didn't have any problems since.
I think it doesn't make any difference but ...
I'll have to try going straight to ready on my next cold start and report back.
Off course this never happens at the service department, therefore the video.
How old is your auxillary battery (12V)? i've had similar issues when my original aux battery was getting some age--it seemed to measure okay on voltage, but the problem persisted until i replaced it.

Sometimes when cold i will get the traction control light but it goes away when i drive off, or it could be because my rear tires are quite worn and smaller diameter after 40k miles...

+1 on PV's suggestion--go straight to READY without stopping at ON
If you go straight to READY without pausing at ACC or On, do the lights still come on?
Thanks for the suggestion PV1
I had a very cold morning yesterday and tried going straight to ready and this time it worked well
I'll keep on trying this over the next week and see how this works out over time.

by kiev » Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:34 pm
How old is your auxillary battery (12V)? i've had similar issues when my original aux battery was getting some age--it seemed to measure okay on voltage, but the problem persisted until i replaced it.

The Battery is original 2 1/2 years old.

I had the same suspicion and shared it with the service mechanic last year when it first occurred, but he checked it and all seems well.
This thought still nags at me and I'll see how things develop before moving on it.
When I got home last night, I started Koorz up to charge the 12 volt (been parked since I got the Tesla modules before Christmas). I noticed the ASC and RBS lights came on briefly, then went out shortly after READY (I paused at the ON position briefly before starting). Not sure if it was related or not, but this seems like something to keep an eye on.
I do the start all in one swift turn of the key and there's never a problem - Straight to the Ready light with no pause. If I stop one click short of the Ready light (to toggle the RR display) and then turn to start 5 or 10 seconds later, many times it won't start and I have to turn off the key and do it again, all in one motion. This happens regardless of the outside temperature . . . . even in the summer

This almost makes me wonder why Mitsubishi didn't do the same thing Tesla did with the newer Roadsters. In the 2.5 Roadster I drove, you simply turned the key to the ON position and the car went READY. The "Start" position toggled between normal and either Range or Performance modes. ACC ran things like the radio and windows. On the other hand, though, the Roadster's HV system is always engaged.
It's been a week since I've been trying out starting up by
going straight to ready without pausing at the on position .

The results have been good 95% of the time although I've been parking in a heated garage and the car has not been exposed to very cold temperature ,
So far so good and I'll keep on i'll continue monitoring for another week .
Thanks for the input from the members here.
Yesterday morning (15.8 F) when I started the i-MiEV the Ready light, Regenerative brake system (RBS), Active stability control (ACS) indicator, Active stability control (ASC) OFF and the Electric motor unit warning light remained on. I drove approximately 7 miles shut off the i-MiEV and turned on the vehicle and all the lights no longer remained active except the Ready light. No problems this morning. I normally turn the key without pausing at the On position.
So it looks like I'm not the only one to have had this problem.
Were you parked on the street ?

I continue turning the ignition switch to ready without hesitating since my last post and have had 95% success rate so far & a restart usually takes care of it right away.
It helps that we park in the heated garage in the very cold temperatures.
Cacti said:
Yesterday morning (15.8 F) when I started the i-MiEV the Ready light, Regenerative brake system (RBS), Active stability control (ACS) indicator, Active stability control (ASC) OFF and the Electric motor unit warning light remained on. I drove approximately 7 miles shut off the i-MiEV and turned on the vehicle and all the lights no longer remained active except the Ready light. No problems this morning. I normally turn the key without pausing at the On position.

Sounds like the symptoms of an old, weak, or worn-out 12V battery. Driving the car for 7 miles allowed the DCDC to charge up the 12V such that the warning lights went off during the restart. i bought a plug-in voltmeter/usb charger to monitor how much the voltage changes before and after starting, etc., then ended up buying a new 12V. for example

This morning (7.2 F) when I started the i-MiEV the Ready light, Regenerative brake system (RBS), Active stability control (ACS) indicator, Active stability control (ASC) OFF and the Electric motor unit warning light remained on. I drove approximately 9.4 miles shut off the i-MiEV and turned on the vehicle and all the lights no longer remained active except the Ready light. I normally turn the key without pausing at the On position.

Same warnings that I experienced on February 1, 2017. Parking outside, single digits overnight the last two days.

We're in a cold spell as well last few days
Tonight's forecast is -18F ( -28c)

Parked last night at a restaurant 1 1/2 hrs - 0 F (-18c) Had to do a restart ,
I suspect a weak 12v Battery
We do sympathize with the cold up yonder, but the weather here is unusually warm (90 degrees) and we had to use the AC today. Its way to early for that.

It looks to be another hot summer.
Phximiev said:
It looks to be another hot summer.
Should the day ever come when Phoenix doesn't have a hot summer, that will be worldwide news! :lol:

Global cooling? :roll:

I'm in the same boat. I had a thread earlier about my problem... I ended up changing the battery.... I still get abs warning light on startup. I've tried all sorts of different starting patterns... sometimes nothing works. Sometimes the only that does work is drive it a bit and then restart. So changing the starter battery did not fix this issue for me. Not sure what to do about it. Chances are the dealer will charge me to check it and say to monitor the issue.
In our early days of MIEV ownership my wife got stranded when she was too fast in the key turning.

Sometimes happens to me too, but we now know to pause at ON and hold on START for a few secs until the car Bongs.

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