Check engine light on

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2015
12v battery went dead. Jumped it and left key in ready for 30 mins. Then completed charging with ext charger. That all went fine. Plugged main charger in and in a mental slip turned key to on then to ready. Check engine light (stop car and call dealer light came on). Switched key off and completed charging of drive batty overnight. Call dealer light stayed on. Took it for a 45 mile spin all normal except the call dealer light stayed on. Disconnected 12 v batty for 30 secs hooked it back up and commenced charging drive battery. Call dealer light still on. I am in Abaco Bahamas there is no dealer to call. Hope someone can help.
Had this happen to me. It appears to be some overzealous programming that makes you go to the dealer so they can check why the 12 volt battery went dead. This is triggered when the battery is too low for the vehicle to either start or charge. Unfortunately, without a dealer or their MUT-3 and computer tool, this light will remain on.

Do you know what caused the 12 volt battery to go dead? Did you try to start or charge it before jumping the 12 volt battery?
vh2q said:
Call dealer light still on.

The "check engine" light is also known as the "dealership $ sign". Its likely that the flat battery has just tripped one of the sensors. Some faults reset after a couple of cycles however others remain until they are reset. I have plans to build the feature to find out the fault code & reset it (assuming its trivial) into my App EvBatMon, however it hasn't risen to the top of the feature requests yet.
i don't think you can read the fault code with an OBD reader--it is not using the same CAN protocol that ICE cars use. i've tried and the reader could not identify the protocol.
Torque and the i-MiEV don't get along. Just opening the app causes the MCU Warning light (car with !), RBS, ASC, and ASC Off lights to come on. A simple power cycle clears it, but I don't recommend using Torque.

You can bet with that announcement that code reading will jump up on the request list for EVBatMon (which is working well except for random value spikes and the accompanying beep).
Batty went flat because vehicle stood for 3 months at vacation home. Next time I will disconnect or leave on trickle charge. Is there no way to reset?
I experienced this also while measuring the 12 volt loads. At one point while putting an amp meter on the 12 volt battery I think the 12 volt became disconnected while the car was in ready mode and the exclamation point symbol came on.

The car ran fine and i used it for months with the light on. I eventually got it rest by the dealer.

vh2q said:
Batty went flat because vehicle stood for 3 months at vacation home. Next time I will disconnect or leave on trickle charge.
We address this 'storage' issue in various threads on this forum. Anything over about three weeks and the 12v battery should be either disconnected or attached to a smart 'float' charger (not old-fashioned 'trickle' charger). If outside, a very small solar panel with regulator also works great. With OEM 12v batteries now with four-year+ lives (and thus diminished capacity), I would slap on a 12v float charger even if I left the car for a week.
DonDakin said:
...I think the 12 volt became disconnected while the car was in ready mode and the exclamation point symbol came on...
Excellent data point.
DonDakin said:
The car ran fine and i used it for months with the light on. I eventually got it rest by the dealer.
That's sort of what I figured and if it was me I simply wouldn't worry about it as the 'failure' cause has been identified.
I am not familiar with that device/software but it sounds like something I should have as there is no dealer in the Abacos.
Bought a scanner and pulled codes: u2821 c2584 p0000. Tried to erase got an "erase fail"

My table does not list these codes. Any help would be appreciated.
vh2q, thanks for the update as I think you're the first one to have actually pulled codes off our i-MiEV. As we had discussed before, in your situation (having rental i-MiEVs on an isolated island), I would try to get a MUT3. I was hoping zzcoopej would further develop EVBatMon to include both error-code reading as well as reset capability.

I take it the car runs ok despite the warning?
Those codes don't appear as valid codes in the factory service manual, i would guess they are some artifact of the reader--what sort of reader did you use?
The car runs fine. I used an "Oxgord" scan tool I bought off eBay. It seemed to function as it should reading the instructions. Only the reset codes came back with a "fail" message and the check engine light is still on.
JoeS said:
I was hoping zzcoopej would further develop EVBatMon to include both error-code reading as well as reset capability.

Yes that is still the plan. We're about to release the iOS version of EvBatMon, and then back to adding features like reading & resetting DTC codes.
vh2q said:
The car runs fine. I used an "Oxgord" scan tool I bought off eBay. It seemed to function as it should reading the instructions. Only the reset codes came back with a "fail" message and the check engine light is still on.

Did it identify the meaning of each code, or just show a list of codes?

It seems strange that codes could be thrown for which there is no identification or explanation in the service manual, so please let us know your findings.
It just scrolls through the list of codes. I am trying to ascertain what they mean and then to reset them. I drove the car 50 miles and pulled the codes again with the same result

Does Evbattery monitor have capable of read and reset codes? I have now rented an OBDlink MX for 2 weeks.

BR. Björn
Zzcoopej i can test code reading if u do new beta version for evbatmon ;)

What was this feature which allows code reset for 2-4 times with Citroen maintenance Official tool? But after that even it cant reset it? I have motor controller condensator code now resetted 3 times and now its locked. How it it resetted again? Those 3 resets maded in same afternoon so no any change on car between resets..

What can even Official maintenance do in this situation? Can they someway reset this 3 time reset countet? Maybe it need somekind of total reset to hole system. Or firmware reload?