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Zelenec said:
g4qber said:
is anyone using the batman OBD2 dongle.
I do, or better I did. There was times when I needed to delete files from my BTCAN folder but from the moment I used bat dongle in my other car with different protocol, CanIon and the dongle just aren't in love anymore :(

Zelenec sent me his dongle.
I tested it seriously, with the iOn and my Lexus RX400H, using realterm on a windows laptop.
The CAN part is definitely not working.

I explained my tests to Andy, he agreed to send another one to Zelenec....

Andy wrote me there are sometimes failures with his dongle with hybrid/electric cars, maybe some surges???

Mine is OK since 2 years with prius gen3, peugeot iOn & lexus (usually the dongle stays in place in the car).

My dongle works fine since I bought it from Andy and instaled it in my i-MiEV. I think since october 2013. I keep it allways in the Can-Bus. For me, it belongs to the car.
I would like to thank Xavier (Priusfan) for his great effort to make Canion users satisfied. It's quite rare nowadays, making it even more valuable. I learned to never plug Andy's dongle to another car again.

This is my first post on this forum. I have posted quite a bit on the the and read a lot on However, because my only EV owning friends have I-Mievs and I think the degradation on the I-Miev will be less than the leaf (by one calendar year from better thermal management) I my purchase an I-Miev in the next year or so.

With the introduction out of the way, I have a question. Does the I-Miev report shunt (heat resistor to top balance batteries) information on the CanBus? I have seen the video of the guys who bought the underwater (salt) I-Miev that takes apart the pack and looks at the battery module circuit boards. Those circuit boards have a shunt to bleed off energy to cells which have a high state of charge, so lower cell can be top balanced.

If the CanBus does report this shunt info, does the CaniOn app capture this? There is a device (LeafDD) mentioned on the Nissan forums which does this.

Any help or insight would be helpful.

Welcome to the forum. Canion only reports pack amperage, not cell amperage, but as far as I know there hasn't been shunt messages found in the CANbus, yet.

A good bet, I would think, is to watch the amperage while charging once the SoC hits 100%.
Any leads on why Canion has random issues with the bluetooth dongles? I was doing highway consumption tests today and Canion 116 refused to work more than a few seconds at a time. When I opened Canion, it connected right up and grabbed some info from the car, but after 3-5 seconds, the fps dropped from ~400 fps (normal) down to 0. I tried several different remedies, such as restarting Canion, restarting my phone, re-pairing the dongle, re-plugging the dongle, restarting the car, etc. Nothing remedied the issue. I ended up using my Galaxy Captivate running Canion 110, which connected and worked flawlessly.

The problems were on a Galaxy S3 running Canion 116 with an OBDLink MX dongle.

Joe, it appears we are facing similar issues. Yes, even with 0 fps, the trip timer keeps ticking.

By the way, what is the number below the power gauge on the right side of the screen?
Seems to be the screen, in order:

1. Trip Timer
2. Trip History
3. Batt Status
14. Maps

Barbagris is obviously right.

Since I upgrade my Android device, now I use Samsung Note 3, I get finally data for all trip. Keeping it in the Trip Timer, I made some 50 km trips and it didn't stop even once :D.

I received my i-MiEV exactly 3 years ago. The oldest here that can tell you all the things that you will see in the future. Degradation in your cars is making progress, but in many of you, just hiding in turtle. Turtle will correspond to less and less SoC (in a perfect new one should be 10%). The first symptom of 10% degradation will be losing one bar after two hours standing still with middle charge. Car will take then less energy in a 100% charge, around 16 kWh in a 0% to 100% charge.

I´m the only one here who have an i-MIEV that finally recalculated is capacity. I had to wait 3 years to see that happening. It is now a 12,75 kWh i-MiEV. Every bar of 5% values now a little more then 0,6 kWh, and I see them going away faster. My maximum RRs are now around 125 km, not 175 km anymore. Now it will not stop anymore with 14,5% SoC like it did in February, it will only stop with 5% SoC or even less (driving with 0,5% will be easy for me), like all should stop.

I don´t know how many i-MiEVs are here. I bet none of you can do what I can do with mine, keeping the weakest cell far from 2,75V (weakest cell at 2,75V is the real 0% SoC). Drive with 0,5% SoC and stop with 0,0%, just because is supposed to stop with that SoC.

One of this days I will try a new trick (Malm, the magician). 0,0% SoC and the weakest cell over 3,71 V. As seen by Canion.
Today I made a race from Lisbon to Madrid with a Boeing 787 Dreamliner. After 30 minutes I arrived much earlier and win the race, of course.
I once again wish to thank Xavier for testing the broken OBD reader and Andy Honnecker for sending me a replacement dongle free of charge. Both of them have really made an effort so I'm able to monitor the battery's life again. Thank you both!
Happy for you, Zelenec. I'm feeling lonely being the only one showing things like 0,0% SoC or a 2,75 V cell. It makes me fill like the only bad guy with his i-MiEV. But one thing I know, don' t try to get to 0,0% SoC, because for you, it will be impossible (at least for now).

By the way, you may have seen my opinion over the calculation of degradation. I have the opinion that degradation is hidden on Turtle (almost all of it), so your way to calculate it, for me, doesn't make any sense. Trying to measure energy taken from --- to 100% can the be all energy that it can get, because it could stop with 12% of SoC.
to keep connection stable on nexus 7,
ensure that BT audio is not connected, I turn off BT audio on the nexus' BT settings page.
acmotor has mentioned that on his phone canion crashes when a phone call comes in. This might indicate that the BT bandwidth is taken up with audio packets.

I'm using the Batman dongle as the scan tools dongle seems to lock up after about 10 connections.

When I'm taking screen shots after a trip, canion 116 tends to crash.
probably a memory allocation thing.

can't wait for the wireless version of scan tools dongle to come out.

was also tempted to get the cheaper Green scan tools version to compare with the black one.

the batman dongle feels a bit skeletal with its PCB exposed n all.

to transfer data from canion use airdroid.
I find that android file transfer program on Mac OSX has files missing.
this also occurs on PCs, possibly something to do with Android KitKat. 4.4.2

4.4.3 coming not soon enough
Does anyone know if there are firmware updates for the OBDLink MX? Mine doesn't play well with either phone anymore. One runs 116, which quit first. So I went back to my Captivate running 110, which hasn't been updated for a long time and always worked reliably. I used it the other day to gather some highway data for a project, and the next day it was doing the same thing as my S3 running 116, connecting fine for a few seconds, then fps goes to zero.
PV1 said:
Does anyone know if there are firmware updates for the OBDLink MX? Mine doesn't play well with either phone anymore. One runs 116, which quit first. So I went back to my Captivate running 110, which hasn't been updated for a long time and always worked reliably. I used it the other day to gather some highway data for a project, and the next day it was doing the same thing as my S3 running 116, connecting fine for a few seconds, then fps goes to zero.

My friend has the same OBDLink MX adapter with his I-Miev. Get a couple error messages using 116. One message is about a sql error. I usually have to reinstall the program to get it to work again. This is with a Samsung Galaxy S Blaze (smaller S3). It works for a little while and then gets suck in the error messages.

Any ideas?
I don't really get any error messages, just the usual "Allo, Houston" at startup (which both phones have always done). A few seconds later, fps goes to zero. The host and OBD lights on the dongle quit blinking, too. Nothing wrong with the car's port as OVMS works just fine.

I'll try reinstalling the app.
And updated to Canion 117. I will keep waiting to see in Canion the Battery Current Capacity. I know now that in march, in my i-MiEV, it was 36,4 Ah. I would like very much just to see if this value changes day by day. And if it changes, how it changes. And a graph with temperatures variation. Higher temperatures means higher degradation, and i'm following closely the temperatures, summer is coming :cry:. Canion is simply fabulous. With it, i can arrive home now with turtle and still know that have enough energy to take the car to the local supermarket. All the way, 2 miles, showing turtle and a smile in my face. With voltage over 3,5 V in the weakest cell, i don't see any problem in going to 0,0% SoC.

Just seeing how i-MiEV is so unaware in getting SoC.

I get similar issue of zero fps when I forget to turn off my Bluetooth audio on nexus 7

Bt audio hogs bandwidth
Or processor can't cope with load
Unless there's a way to disable the bluetooth audio services, I don't have anything else hooked to the phone via Bluetooth when using Canion.

Something happens that the data just stops flowing. Even the Host and OBD lights on the dongle quit blinking. The app doesn't freeze up, I can still scroll through the screens.

I get database errors if I open the app while Android's media scanner is running, since the memory is unavailable to the system while scanning. This is on the Galaxy S after booting the phone.
Perhaps get the batman dongle.
The scantools unit freezes after about 10 connections. Have to physically discon/connect

Btw app work on Sony Xperia ultra z
But text is not scaled so the loop in the letter g is cropped a bit
Xperia is faster but uses up battery
But can fit in shirt pocket.

Would be good if "Allo Houston" message could be fixed.

Does anyone know if wifi model will work?
Seems that wifi model was designed for iPhone since bt on iPhone is apple proprietary

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