At long last I was able to start using Canion yesterday using an OBDLink LX. Many thanks to Martin and Xavier for such a great program.
I have a few questions about the use of the app that maybe someone can answer, as well as some bluetooth connection issues.
I'm running the app on an Amazon Fire HD 8, which is a reasonably specced device, it seems to have no problem keeping up with the 350fps I'm seeing with virtual cockpit and a couple of other screens I don't want disabled.
However at random any time between a few minutes and maybe 20 minutes the fps drops to 0, the app is still responsive, and it seems like the bluetooth adaptor has "lost" pairing with the tablet. I say lost pairing rather than just lost the connection because the android notification bar starts beeping and if I scroll it down showing "Pairing request, Touch to Pair with OBDLink LX" even though it might have just been paired a few minutes earlier, and despite me NOT pressing the pairing button on the adaptor. This message only appears briefly then disappears, returning a few seconds later, in an infinite loop.
If I tap on it it takes me to the pairing screen with the pin number but if I don't hit pair very quickly I get another message saying "Couldn't pair with OBDLink LX because of an incorrect PIN or passkey". If I do quickly hit pair sometimes it pairs, sometimes it says "Can't communicate with OBDLink LX".
Typically when this happens I can no longer see or pair to the device at all, pressing the pairing button for 2 seconds doesn't work (blue light keeps flashing slowly instead of speeding up as in pairing mode) and a 20 second press for a full reset doesn't work either. The only thing that works is to unplug it from the car, forget the pairing on the tablet, press the button and pair from scratch, and then it will work for another 5-20 minutes if I'm lucky.
Anyone had this issue with this adaptor ? It seems to be a bug with the adaptor itself as far as I can see, as if the adaptor is crashing and rebooting and losing the pairing after a while. Not good for an expensive, recommended adaptor! :?
I tried to do a firmware update on the adaptor - the windows version of the updater just crashes for me (yay!) and I had a lot of difficulty with the OBDLink android app as well, but finally got it to a point where it detected the device and offered a firmware update version 4.3.0 which I have now installed. Strangely - the firmware version reported on the device before the firmware upgrade was 0.0.0 ! After the firmware update it does report 4.3.0.
Since the firmware update I have not driven the car so I don't know if the dropouts are fixed yet but I notice the behaviour of the adaptor is different now. Previously when exiting Canion the red can bus data light would also stop when bluetooth disconnected (bluetooth light going from solid back to flashing) however on the new firmware even after the bluetooth connection is disconnected the red can bus data light keeps flashing until the car is turned off... hopefully this will not prevent sleep mode working...
If I still have problems with the adaptor I'll contact scantool via their forum for some help but thought I'd check here first if anyone has seen and fixed the same issue.
Regarding Canion itself I have a few questions.
1) The Odo figure (in miles) seems to be a bit out - the car has done just over 41k miles, but the odo figure is out from the dashboard figure by around 40 miles. I assume this is a rounding error in converting from km ? All other figures seem to be exact so this seems strange.
2) I have miles/kWh enabled for consumption, on the "my trip timer" screen miles/kWh line it has heater and summary, can someone explain to me how these figure relate, as its hard to get my head around miles/kWh for heater consumption as it is a backwards unit for this purpose ?
For example when it says heater 2.0, summary 4.0, what I
think this means is that my total miles/kWh consumption inclusive of heater usage (EG how far I will really be able to drive) is 4 mile/kWh, and that the heater has consumed 2 miles/kWh of potential range - in other words if I add the two figures together to get 6kWh, this would be the miles/kWh that I would be achieving if the heater had been turned off and the battery was only propelling the car ?
Also on this line, I find if both the heater and AC is turned on at the same time, there is not enough room for all three figures on the line - the labels overwrite the numbers. I tried reducing the font size but the font size setting does not appear to influence the text on the my trip timer page. The tablet has a 1280 x 800 screen resolution so this should be plenty.
3) I tried to use Auto ScreenCapture Interval to capture screenshots of charging every 5 minutes but it did not appear to work. I set it to 300, exited the program cleanly to ensure it saved the preference, launched again, checked it was still set to 300, put it on the battery voltage graph, started charging the car, but no screenshots were saved. Is there anything else that needs to be done for this to work ?
4) When not connected, some screens like "my trip timer" have snapshots (?) accessed by the top right menu with a date and time on it. It's unclear to me whether these are automatically created at the end of each session, and thus whether they represent trip data at the end of a session ? Is it possible to have a "trip" span multiple power on cycles of the car ?
On my daily commute I stop part way in each direction and turn the car off for 15 minutes, it doesn't seem like there is any way to combine these two driving sessions into one "trip" for the purposes of averaging miles/kWh across the entire trip ?
The battery status graphs also seem to have the same date/time selector - is this also just a single snapshot at the end of a session ? Is there a way to manually create additional snapshots in the battery status graph during a driving session that will be saved and be accessible via the date/time selector ?
5) I've seen some crazy high figures in the Trip history graph page where there will be one outlier that says something ridiculous like 115 miles/kWh when all the rest are around 5.... I think this may be caused by sitting stationary in traffic for a while as each bar starts off high and creeps downwards ?
I've only been using the app for a day yet, and with an uncooperative OBDLink adaptor holding me back somewhat so I'm sure I'll learn more about it as I get used to it.