priusfan said:
...If it is easy for us, or seems valuable for many others (or we are offered a lot of $$$), we try to do it...
My brief use with this latest (v.133) change has my bluetooth connecting immediately instead of having to repeatedly try; maybe it's a fluke, but it does work well.
Now that I have my Android tablet mounted semi-permanently in
Mitti, I've been reflecting on how I use CaniOn. Although I like all the screens available, here's what I use most of the time:
In my
everyday around-town driving I simply use the Trip Timer numerics display (reset before each round trip), and I am primarily interested in four items: Trip Distance, Moving Average Speed, Battery Average Temperature, and Trip Efficiency (Wh/km). Unfortunately for me (but a good thing overall), this last CaniOn version (v.133) moved the Temperature numeric over to the left pane, and, with my old eyes, I can no longer read the smaller numerics without putting on reading glasses (I can read the Trip Timer numerics just fine).
long trips I like the Wh/km history display to see how efficient my driving is. What is now nice is that I have (if I could see it) the battery temperature at the same time instead of having to go back to either the Battery Temperature History screen, Battery Temperature screen, or Trip screen. On long trips I also occasionally look at the Battery Temperature History screen.
When I
run the charge down or
fully top-up or think that something
strange is going on, I like to glance at the Battery Status screen to see how well-balanced the individual cells are amongst themselves.
If I am trying to do some calculations, the information such as average speed, moving average speed, HVAC percentage consumption, etc. are mildly interesting. I especially like the parameter of energy consumption for a particular moving average speed, and I also pop over to the altitude screen to see how much has changed. Although interesting, I've never found much need for the % or amount of Regeneration, as it is incredibly variable when you live in hilly country. All the other screens are cute and I sometimes look at them and I am happy to have them, but rarely use them.
IMHO, information that duplicates the i-MiEVs display is superfluous. For example, the new battery charge indicator is beautiful, but (unless I'm missing something) it shows the same information that the i-MiEV fuel gauge does.
All that said, Martin and Xavier, here is my wish list:
Another TRIP screen, with only the following LARGE numerics:
The other item I would welcome is the ability to program a beep which would be enabled when a pre-set instantaneous Wh/km energy consumption rate was exceeded. (This was discussed earlier in this thread.)
Martin and Xavier, I'll be happy to contribute some more $$ to your development fund. Anyone else?