Hello all,
Here is some temp data from my neck of the woods.
I keep my iMiev in the garage that is heated lightly. The garage temp is about 4 deg C when the temp outside is -10 Deg C and about 0
Deg C when the temp outside is -15 Deg Cand below. The car is left in the parking at wotk from about 8 Am to 5PM then driven home.
This is the temp data for my area for Jan 23 and 24th.
max mean min
Jan 23 2014 -17.5 °C -20.4 °C -23.2 °C
Jan 24 2014 -9.7 °C -16.8 °C -23.8 °C
Here is my Battery temps after charging up in the garage on Jan 24th in the morning before going out to work.
Here is the Battery temps after the car sitting from 8:00 to 5:00 outside with the temp going from -20 Deg C to about -10 Deg C.
This is my drive home energy usage for Jan 23rd on the 11 Km trip back home from work. Heat blasting and very comfortable in the car.
So ON THE 24TH the battery started out at an ave temp of 7.3 deg C stayed outside at -20 deg C approx for about 10 Hours and ended up
at -6.2 deg C loosing about 1.35 Deg C per hour average.
It's interesting to see that the temp curves have a consistent shape for low temps as well as the hogh temps that we see from malm on
hot days. In his case the innermost batterys overheat and loose capacity faster due to the overheating condition. In my case the inner
batteries stay warm and do better then the outtermost batterys which chill to ambient faster. The only problem I wonder about is this
notion that charging lithiums below zero is bad for them. I don't know if this is valid for the imiev. If it is then it could be that
in cold climates the outermost batteries will suffer more in the long term being charged at lower temps more often compared to the
innermost ones.
In any case it seems to me that some form of air recirculation should be done in the battery in order to exchange heat from the warm
cells to the colder ones. I don't know if this would work but I guess that the more even the the temp is over then entire pack the
better for all the cells in there.