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  1. D

    OBC Swapping Gen1 to Gen 2

    Thinking.... ;-) are boards the same size? is possible to replace only the board inside and keep same connectors and pipes? The OBC can be rebuilt, there is a wire that is black, the cable sleeve of this has to be drilled to 8,5mm, the orange long wire has to be rebuilt from the old one, but...
  2. D

    Where to find 2011 EU color code?

    There is a plaque on the inside of the front "bonnet" near the left-hand light. On it is the code, W=white The same plaque was used for all three triplets.
  3. D

    Miev with C-zero parts

    MickeyS70 Today I cut the wires, connected the pin points as you suggested. Result: cleared the errors from the fault log, car starts, yellow car signal did not come up after repeated starts. Plugged in 230V (my on-board charger is bad) the fan started working. I will get a repaired on board...
  4. D

    Miev with C-zero parts

    How can I do this? Unfortunately, this is not a parts drawing (I'm a mechanical engineer), so it's a bit difficult to read. Sorry for that. If I understand correctly, I would have to pull in a wire so that when I put the ignition on, the relay gets 12V and pulls in.
  5. D

    Miev with C-zero parts

    p1a2d p1a48 error remains constant, cannot be cleared. The fan works, all connectors are in place, plugged in. If I put the "old/88 cell" bmu on, the fan works at high speed, but then CMU modules 6 and 12 are missing. Where do I enter the VIN number?
  6. D

    Miev with C-zero parts

    I have replaced the BMU with the newer version at the suggestion of Gary12345, and will wait for Gary12345's reply. When I replaced the BMU and looked at it with canion I was happy that the car only recognized 80 cells. Unfortunately after starting it came the yellow car sign on the dash. It...
  7. D

    Miev with C-zero parts

    I looked at the BMU wiring, the Miven has one more wire than the C-zone. :( I checked all the wires, they are all connected. I put the old BMU in and the fan keeps humming, it finds a lot of faults because it is missing 2 CMU panels. I checked the BMU, put the broken car on the charger to check...
  8. D

    Miev with C-zero parts

    History: 2011 Miev 88 cell battery pack is bad and I bought a 2015 C-zero which is broken but has a good battery pack. Yesterday I replaced the battery pack and the unit under the seat. The car recognises the 80 cells underneath, but I have two errors. My on board charger is still bad, it has...
  9. D

    New to the iMiev with a 2012 model

    If you want to change cells, I suggest you pay attention. You won't be replacing 3 cells (experience), I removed the battery pack 3x because I naively thought I would have enough to replace 3 cells, I replaced 6 more. Total 9 cells. I see 5 cells to replace in the first round.
  10. D

    help locating a used on board charger

    I haven't done anything to the car yet, so no problem. I was more concerned with the other one. Replaced the 9 cells in the C-zero over the weekend, tried to fill the cells to the same value based on KIEV's suggestions. Drove the car 85km, drove it to work today, only drove 65km today, hope it...
  11. D

    help locating a used on board charger

    I'm sorry if my wording was wrong, my question was not clear. The high voltage cables/wires (orange) of the first generation OBC are connected with a connector (post 9, picture 2 of this post) The second generation OBC high voltage cables are shielded and bolted (Image 6 in post 9 of this post)...
  12. D

    help locating a used on board charger

    How did you connect the wire that was different from the other one?
  13. D

    Miev with C-zero parts

  14. D

    Miev with C-zero parts

    The OBC unit of the 2012 Miev is faulty and cannot be fixed, I forgot to write that down. Might start with just battery pack and OBC replacement, just wondering what would happen if.... I know it has less cells, I need to find 8 missing ones. I need to finish repairing the faulty C-zero on the...
  15. D

    Miev with C-zero parts

    Hello! I have a 2012 Mieve with a bad battery, I have a broken C-zero-m with low mileage 2015. I would like to make the following modification (has anyone done this before?): I would remove the 2012 Miev's electric motor and OBC unit, air conditioning compressor and battery pack. I would replace...