Windshield Wiper Removal

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Staff member
Dec 15, 2011
Hills above Silicon Valley, California
All right, a really dumb question: how does one remove the windshield wiper arm assembly? :?

Since it (almost) doesn't rain around here for six months of the year, I'd like to remove our funny (and slightly obtrusive) right-hand wiper for the summers. Been staring at it (manual is no help) and before I start prying and possibly marring the surface, does anyone know the trick to removing the end-cap in order to get to the securing nut?
JoeS said:
before I start prying and possibly marring the surface, does anyone know the trick to removing the end-cap in order to get to the securing nut?

No tools needed, just use your fingers to pry it out. The pictures are in sequence.





WeeJohn, thank you very much! :D Great photos! :cool:
Well, I removed the cover, undid the nut (17mm socket) - boy it was on tight :!: - and couldn't pull the arm off. :oops: Looks like I'll have to make a miniature gear-puller, and there are a couple of notches in the wiper arm that the puller arms could fit into. Another project for another day... :cry:
MLucas said:
What are you going to replace it with? I've seen these knobs that can be put on the wiper arm studs, but not sure where to get them. Or are you just going to leave it open?
I was planning on replacing the nut (maybe with a spacer) and then slipping a black plastic cap over the protruding stud (I have a bagful assortment of saved plastic caps and hope there's one in there). First, I've got to get the arm off... :x
No - Pretty sure it will turn out to be on a tapered splined shaft like they are on most all other cars

I would try prying it off using a thin piece of hardwood - It won't leave any marks and will bend (and maye even break) if it's too tight on the shaft. You might try prying firmly and then have someone else tap on the center of the shaft while you have it under tension - That usually works for me removing steering wheels and they are attached similarly

It will be interesting to hear how you like it with just the one wiper when you get a chance to use it in the rain - I don't think the 'dogleg' one does all that much anyway . . . . but with my luck, if I removed it some local gendarme would see fit to give me a deficient equipment ticket . . . . . :cry:

I took mine off but then put it back on i am trying to see if i can get a different trim part to cover the hole.
Juat took off the Pass Wiper Arm. Unscrew, put some WD40 on it, let sit for a few and wiggle back and forth. I had the wiper off the windshield if that helps.

Came off easily, not Easy ;)

Put on a 28" I got from Costco and it's good, but I am going to auto store to see if I can get a 32 inch and see how that works. I can always return to Costco, but they didn't have a 32".

Also, you can AIM the Washer fluid.

edit: 32" is not common, unless you can get it at an RV store or on line.
Update 28" Blade works great.

But maybe not so much for the Passenger.

I do not think it will do well in my Winters here, but maybe the 32" will.

Still looking for a local 32" blade as they cost about $30-$40
In case someone else took of the arm and is looking for something to put over the bolt.

I put the nut back on the bolt... so I would not misplace it. I was at Lowe's today getting a 12g ext cord and looked around for something to put over the hole.
No luck on a full cover, but they have Black hard plastic chair leg covers. The medium size fit PERFECT over the bolt and nut !

I am still trying to find a solid Grommet to put over the hole. I know they make them, my truck bed had one, but it is oval.