MLucas said:
Don't have that in ICEs, when its done - its done.
Thanks to the law of small numbers, I'm acutely aware of the stranded vehicles I see on the highways and byways with their fuel doors open. I have
never seen an EV stranded in such a manner. Surely it's happened and happening upon a stranded EV would be a rarity anyway, but the "creep off the road" safety margin means you have to plan really poorly and have an extremely high tolerance for risk to have it happen.
The closest I came to this was drafting behind a semi to bridge the gap between Centralia and Ridgefield along I-5 before the Castle Rock charger was online. If I had spent another 40 minutes L2 charging at the Nissan dealership in Longview I'd have been fine, but I was trying to reach the Portland raceway for an electric motorbike race.
I drafted with the turtle light on for a while, chickened out and did some L1 charging at a Shell station but didn't quite make it to the top of the exit ramp before the
Red Battery Light Of Doom blinked on. The Chevron station on the west side of the freeway had ungrounded electrical outlets on it's exterior and I didn't try to push it across the overpass given that a flatbed tow was much easier and safer.
Basically, ditto to what Don and MLucas have said: Don't do this.
I've made it down to Portland and back several times since the Castle Rock charger went in. When the Fife DCFC is in place, the trip won't require any L2 for an i-MiEV (modulo heater use, YVMV)
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