mixmike6 said:
Ok thanks for the info Sandage.
In your experience is it worth the trouble to have it installed? I am concerned that if anything goes wrong with the car afterwards, Mitsubishi will blame the installation of the heater and not cover whatever repairs I may have to do.. Any thoughts ?
The unit is independent of the rest of the car other than using some 12v power to drive the fuel/circulating pump, control unit, and glow plug.
If you install it the way Dond, myself , and some others here have......
The install does not remove or alter the original equipment and is easily reversible.
It certainly makes a HUGE difference in the ev WINTER drive.
If you have gone through a winter up here in your EV using only the original heater & compare them. It is completely a different experience in the winter.
The complete cabin is warm so ALL of the passengers are comfortable.
Should you get caught in a bumper to bumper freezing rain conditions where you have to keep your wipers & heater on full just to keep it from icing over, you will appreciate this heater, as well as not worrying how much power you have left.
You will also appreciate that your range will not be drastically reduced if you have a longer trip planned.
I personally don't think I could go back to only the original heater unless there was a fast charger at every other corner. -
Even then the expense and extra time required for fast charging in the winter is very costly compared to the summer.
In my opinion - It is an investment to install but worth it for our climate conditions.