As soon as the top board is unscrewed from these charrgers (2012 onwards), you have to deal with a flexible ribbon that connects the top and bottom boards. Conductors on this ribbon are spaced 0.5 mm (less than 20 thousandths of an inch) apart, so the connector is a delicate, precision part. The ribbon carries vital signals, such as coil drive for the relay; if this drive is lost, the pre-charge resistors try to carry the full mains power and fail open circuit. I've seen too many of these high density connectors damaged. It was not obvious to me how to disconnect them without damage. Here is the place on the connector to apply a small screwdriver, outlined in yellow:
Pressing on the area outlined in yellow seems to lift the left part of the clip, allowing it to clear the barb outlined in red. To unclip the ribbon, apply a small screwdriver as shown below, pushing down and towards the ribbon:
The ribbon should move away from the white connector with very little force. If you need more than a little force, you're not doing it right, and will likely damage the connector / clip.