I made two boards for mounting the AD202KY
One mounts horizontally to the existing holes on the main PCB, the other one is mounted vertically, and will need so glue for preventing damage due to vibrations.
As my inverter is already running in the car again I can not test it now, but maybe someone will find this usefull in the future.
PCBs were drawn in eagle (Fusion electronics) If needed I can export the Gerber- files.
On the vertical version 90 degree angled pinheaders need to be used;
Alternatively standard- pinheaders can be soldered to the board like SMD- parts.
On the horizontal PCB special care needs to be taken that the pins of the AD202 don't cause a short- circuit on the Main PCB, as the replacement board is bigger than the original ISA- board!
As I have not tested the boards the manufacturing and usage of these boards is done on ones own responisbility!
Only attempt this repair if you know what you are doing!