I think we placed our reservation last May! I had forgotten it was so long ago!
I finally got around to call about a site survey in September, and they came in early October. They were useless: The inspector barely had a clue what he was looking at, and mostly measured distances from the various electrical panels. He wrote a "report" that contained almost no information. Then - Mr. Electric just never called or sent a quote. Last week, just before we were called to be told the car was here, I got a call from Mr. Electric's office asking "had we received a quote?" So, apparently they don't even know if they've processed that "report". I called back twice, both times getting an answering machine, and I said that we hadn't received anything. Still, no word from them.
Based on that experience, I researched my EVSEs on my own, selected one (the Legrand L2EVSE16), and will just hire a local electrician to do the work. After all, it's a pretty simple job: Extend our unused 240v. circuit in the garage to near the door, and wire the EVSE: three wire nuts and we're done. I also called the electric company myself, and in 15 min. they had me scheduled for the EV rate service, and for the local technician to do what he needs.