It's been quite rare for us to not take the i-MiEV because it wasn't charged. I usually have enough notice to top off from 12 bars. Pretty much the only reason we'll take the hybrid or the truck instead is because it's cold out (the hybrid has better thermal comfort), we're going long distance, or we're hauling something, like another i-MiEV

I have quite a few avenues I can go with Number 2. The main purpose is for my EV rental business idea (more on that in a minute), but I can also use it for experimenting or parts, since an entire car can be had cheaper than buying a few parts, especially body parts or a battery pack. If nothing else, I can let my grandparents drive it.
A lot of things happened that nearly prevented me from getting it. First, the day we were supposed to go, the entire region got hit with freezing rain. We rescheduled and decided on Monday. Monday rolls around, everything seems good. It was really windy the night before, so I hardly got any sleep. We go to leave, and the truck won't start. The battery terminal corroded and was a quick fix. We get to U-Haul to pick up the trailer, their computer was down but was able to complete the process over the phone. We get out there, the car's not in as great a shape as I thought, but it still isn't bad. It's got 19,000 miles on it. We start talking to the salesman and ask him about the MiEV Remote. They didn't get it with the car. Knowing that a replacement is expensive, they knocked a few hundred off to help with having to replace the remote, and we agree to the new price. Then I ask them about the warranty, and every dealer we called stated that the battery warranty does NOT transfer. Without the battery warranty, these cars won't be good for anyone but parts people and tinkerers (Siai47, for example, who's not afraid to take these cars apart). So I call Mitsubishi Corporate, and the answer I was looking for was on their website in the one section I never visited, "Owners". It states that the remainder of ALL factory warranties carry over to subsequent owners

. Thinking we're now in the clear, I start signing papers and, there's an issue with our insurance. Because of the way we're set up, I had to get a separate policy because of a rule change last year. Inconvenient, but not a big issue. Thankfully, that was the last hurdle, the drive home was smooth(-ish because of the trailer) and Number 2 is now sitting in the driveway under 2" of snow, our first actual snow of the season. I still have to attempt charging (since that wasn't tested) and do some driving to make sure everything's okay after 260 miles on a trailer. The one thing I noticed is the brake pedal goes further down before the friction brakes come on compared to mine and a few loaners I've driven. I guess the brakes were used more heavily than normal by the previous owner. The question is, was it spirited driving, or lack of regen in the winter being a Michigan car? I'll probably never know. It's not an issue though, the brakes work good.
Now, about the rental business. I still have market research to do, and the first event of 2015 is the RV show in Pittsburgh, which lasts 9 days. I was going to take Number 1 to the show and have it on display with a survey on the table next to it, but then I thought, I can't take the car in and out everyday, it has to stay there, meaning I'll have to drive the hybrid to work. Not content with that, I was tempted to not even take a car to the show (my friend is showing/selling electric bicycles and is allowing me to use some of his space in return for my help with the show). I started surfing eBay and Autotrader. I found a former member's car not to far south from me and was tempted because it's an SE Premium and in good shape, but I don't want a black vehicle since they are so difficult to keep clean where I live. I found a Premium blue/white for a good price, but it was on the other side of the country. Then I found this silver one. Then I saw the (rare) picture showing the floor next to the driver's seat. It had quick charge! It was also the cheapest one on Autotrader. The rest of the story you know. To avoid taking this thread off topic, I did create a separate thread elsewhere for the business. The link is below. All in all, now that I have two i-MiEVs, one can be at the show for demo and I can still do my driving on electricity while it's there.
When the Spring rolls around, it'll be time to get those recalls done on both cars.