OVMS for Mitsubishi i-Miev, Citroen C-Zero and Peugeot iOn

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martinwinlow said:
Thanks for the replies.

After I reset the OVMS module (by unplugging the ODB connector and reconnecting it) in response to STAT? I got
00:55:26 (time since last reset?)
Not charging (it isn't)
SOC: 0% (it should be near 100%)
ODO: 7,319.0 mi (its only done about 4 and a bit K miles - is this kms? I'll check in the morning)

"Have you loaded the experimental firmware from GIThub?"… Er, thought so but I've just had a look back there and can't find anything that looks remotely like a source file (or hex for that matter). It is not wildly obvious where I should be looking…

The hex file I used to flash my OVMS module was called 'OVMS i-Miev compatible HEX code - vehicle_mitsubishi.hex' and I downloaded it on 19Jan2014, if that helps.

I'll try this hex file tomorrow suggested by TestO…


… but it would be interesting to see the source code too. Bed time.


The SOC: 0% will stay that way until to turn on the ignition key (Start the car). This always happens to me after after powering the box off/on.

Success! ...and thanks to those who helped…



… hex file on my version 2 OVMS module in my July 2011 Peugeot Ion (i-Miev), using a UK registered GeoSim sim card in my iPhone4, I am now getting the following SMS responses...

Send: version (upper or lower case characters - doesn't to appear to matter - except for passwords, of course)
Reply: OVMS Firmware version: 2.6.2/MI/V2

Send: Gprs?
Reply: GPRS:
GSM:Orange (has also been 'TMO UK')
GSM/GPRS: Not connected (0x0042) (I suspect this is down to poor signal)

Send: Stat?
Reply: 00:09:29
Not charging (correct)
SOC: 100% (correct)
Ideal Range: 93 mi (at 30mph, maybe!)
Est. Range: 62 mi (sounds correct)
ODO: 4,547.8 mi (correct)

The OVMS module sent a status message without prompting a few minutes after I reconnected it to the car.

Other potentially useful observations:-

- I used an older PICKIT2 interface with a connector which is on the end of a bit of ribbon cable which only has 5 'pins'. This still worked with pin 1 (red stripe) connected to the pin on the OVMS module board with the white triangle next to it.

- The PICKIT2 interface will power the OVMS module when it is connected via the USB port of your active PC allowing you to configure it before replacing it in its box and installing it back in the car (but see the next item)

- If you have already installed the 2 proper antennae in the car but have to remove the OVMS from the car for re-flashing the firmware (if you forget to switch off the 'Eeprom Data' erase tick box and lose all your settings!), in order to configure it from new or re-configure it for another reason and you want to do this from the comfort of your study (or whatever) rather than sitting out in your cold car, you can temporarily use a canabalised wifi antenna on the GSM antenna connector to give a half decent signal - it worked with me and I have only half my bars on my mobile here. Of course you could always buy a proper GSM antenna.

- I located the OVMS module towards the centre of the car behind the facia after removing the glove box. This is very easy to do… Open it and just pull gently each side of the top rear corners of the box away from the respective sides of the dash - one at a time - and the rubber-covered lugs will come past the stops allowing the box to open further than normal towards you. If you rotate it far enough you can then pull it off the hinges and completely detach it. You don't need to do this but it clears the decks a bit. Just empty it first or the glovebox contents will all fall out. I located the 2 antennae in the front left side of the dash right at the bottom left hand side of the windscreen (bearing in mind my steering wheel is on the right). You can remove the small plastic panel at the edge of the dash (next to the tiny window) by carefully levering it up with something plastic. Use metal and you risk damaging it. However you have to remove the B pillar trim first by pulling the top away gently until it unclips, then pulling the middle away in the same way and then lifting the bottom out vertically. It is attached with a piece of woven tape for some reason. The GPS and GSM antenna leads can then be dragged back from their location to the front of the dash (using a piece of wire or sturdy plastic rod) and then dropped down to met the OVMS module. See the pics at the bottom of this web page which might help… http://www.winlow.co.uk/wychwood.co.uk/i-miev.html

Next… getting the GPRS and iPhone OVMS app to work...

Regards, MW
RED Led:0
GRN Led:1
NET State:0x0020
12V Line:13.5 ref=0.3
..last: BOR POR TO - 54

OVMS crashed again, this time while driving. Bars and RR disappeared, power gauge backlight went out, brake light and the four error lights came on, and READY beeps dinged. It did this three times, but never actually came out of READY. I still had motive power. Results of DIAG? above.
Today I witnessed the GE DuraStation kick back on the charge cycle all by its self when the car was already at 100%. So the multiple "Not charging" notifications as seen below are real events. I don't know if this is a GE problem or what.

i-MiEV: 20:41:51 Not charging SOC: 100% Ideal Range: 93 mi Est. Range: 63 mi ODO: 22,577.5 mi 12:34 PM
i-MiEV: 20:56:15 Not charging SOC: 100% Ideal Range: 93 mi Est. Range: 63 mi ODO: 22,577.5 mi 12:49 PM

i-MiEV: DIAG: RED Led:0 GRN Led:1 NET State:0x0020 12V Line:12.9 ref=13.0 Crashes:0

i-MiEV: OVMS Firmware version: 2.6.2/MI/V2

This was the first day charging with the 2.6.2 firmware; Crashes:0 so far. I have seen the multiple notifications before so its nothing new.
Updated to 2.6.2. Odometer readings are now correct. Thanks. I also now have a speedometer on the "Car" page. Motor temps are now reading correctly. STAT? also now reports time on the charger. Cool.

I was initially thrown off by the motor temperature being 43 F (when it is 25 F outside and the car hasn't moved in two days), but then I remembered, the coolant leaves the charger and goes to the motor before going up front to the radiator. So, the charger was heating up the motor :lol: :cool: .
Its been a week now with version 2.6.2 and everything looks mostly normal. The 81 degree PEM & Motor temps look to be old since the car has not been run or charged for 24 hours and you can see the ambient temperature shown by my phone is 59 degrees.

i-MiEV: OVMS Firmware version: 2.6.2/MI/V2

i-MiEV: 13:04:11 Not charging SOC: 53% Ideal Range: 44 mi Est. Range: 34 mi ODO: 22,789.4 mi

i-MiEV: DIAG: RED Led:0 GRN Led:1 NET State:0x0020 12V Line:12.4 ref=0.0 Crashes:0



Temperatures and the like won't update until the car is started or charged. The CAN bus largely goes quiet when the car is off.

White Roadster, I have the same.
PV1 said:
Temperatures and the like won't update until the car is started or charged. The CAN bus largely goes quiet when the car is off.

White Roadster, I have the same.

Yes, the real temperature data shows when the car is active. Also the speed is only update once inn a while.

Just for the information of anyone considering a GeoSIM for use with OVMS in the UK (on an iPhone4, i-miev (Ion) installation, no SMS notifications as they cost 17p each!) I am seeing about 20p/day maximum data cost which amounts to about 100kb of data. Most days are somewhat less. MW
I've noticed that at the end of a charge cycle, the notifications used to say "Charging Done"; now they say "Not Charging", which can be confused for someone unplugging the car or the car stops for another reason.
Description Unit price Qty Amount

OVMS Car Module v2
Item# 1000300 $99.00 USD 1 $99.00 USD

PICKIT 2 Compatible Programmer/Debugger
Item# 1002200 $16.99 USD 1 $16.99 USD

OBD-II to DB9 Data Cable for OVMS
Item# 1139300 $9.50 USD 1 $9.50 USD

OpenVehicles OVMS GSM Antenna
Item# 1000500 $2.50 USD 1 $2.50 USD

Universal GPS Antenna (SMA Connector)
Item# 1020200 $4.89 USD 1 $4.89 USD

Total cost = $132.88 USD

Plus a minimal pay as you go cellular data plan from PTEL or some other low cost carrier.

Maybe < $60 a year.
The killer with the SIM cards are the service days. my OVMS module has hardly incurred any data costs, only SMS. $20 for every 3 months, but there could be something cheaper.

Are there any signs pointing to the module controlling the car (locks, preheat, etc.) yet?
While I wait for the PTel systems to come back online so they can activate my Sim, i started planning the install and reading the posts of those who have gone before me.

first (of many, I'msure) question:
I am sure I missed it but... where is the diagnostic connector and how do I get to it :?:
The port is at the bottom of the plastic in the driver's footwell. You can see where my module plugs in at the top center of this picture.

The disk I got with the h/w was all in Chinese and the only executables are for Windows OS.

We only have Macs. Is there a Mac application that I can use to update the firmware? I looked on the PIC Kit2 site and there is nothing there.

Google is my friend.

Found this and am trying it...


[edit 2]
Ran the IPE (the app that has the same functions as the Windows version) and it does not recognize the PIKit2 or the OVMS that is plugged into it. Going to try a Windows PC at work tomorrow.

[edit 3]
got to work, fownd and loaded the proper software. It recognised the OVMS module. Loaded the V2 firmware OK.
Progress and new problems.

Got it connected to the car in an exposed lot with wide open sky. It responds to SMS commands perfectly. Registered main phone, changed module password, configured server and its password, set it for miles and non paranoid mode.

Stat? returns Not charging and 0% SOC.

GPS? returns the coordinates of a lovely spot near a gold mine in Wales.

SOC is far from 0% and I am very far from Wales.

Green flashes 5 and red flashes 7. So the green LED is telling me "GPRS Network initialization" and the red LED is telling me "Error during GPRS initialization (might be temp related). I get this pattern whether the internal switch is toward or away from the LEDs.

I wonder I got a bad unit?
Did you configure GPRS settings? Who is your SIM card provider?

What do you get with GPRS?

It will only read SoC information if the car is on or charging. Also, set vehicle type to MI. Did you download the experimental .hex file?

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