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With trepidation, I decided to run an experiment with the relays. So Pulled relay E and tried to start car. The instrument panel displays similar to the P1A15 error with the Yellow icar lamp on, and won't go into ready. Also throws fault codes P1B2B &U1111. So replaced E and pulled relay F. again the yellow icar lamp is illuminated, together with orange tortoise, skid, skid off, EPS, and red plug on. Also the battery display is flashing, with no bars showing, even though it is 75% full. it also threw fault codes B1731 & C1522. So replaced relay F and tried to start car. the yellow icar lamp went out at ignition, and the car went into ready. So if nothing else, it proves if there is a fault with either of these relays, then the yellow icar lamp will be on.