PV1, Thanks all the updates. I'm very happy for you.
You're bringing back a lot of memories for me of when I first purchased the car and how excited I was. I've had my car since Jan 11th 2012. I
might be the first California owner, damn close if not. I've put about 18K miles on it as of today.
I think you're really going to love the car in the Summer as the AC uses MUCH less energy than the heater.

. It hardly effects my range, It gets cold fast, keeps me cool the entire time I drive, one of the best features of the car IMO. Until then, I can't stress enough the importance of using the remote to Pre-Heat the car. Not only does this warm the cabin for you, but it also gets the batteries all warmed up, increasing their efficiency and improving your range on cold days. It's fantastic.
Like so many other owners, we purchased the car as a "second" car to use for commuting and running errands around town. We had no intention of making this our primary car. Well, it turned out very differently, we drive the heck out of it and loath the times were we have to go and use that icky gas stuff. I've now come to realize, I'll always own an EV, and that the 2011 Subaru Outback (which I do love) is quite possible the very last ICE i'll ever own. As a matter of fact, I'll probably have the Outback for 20 years, especially considering the i-MiEV is doing a fine job of keeping the mileage low on it.
All said,
I have NO regrets about my purchase of the i-MiEV, with the possible exception of not doing the evseupgrade.com thing sooner.
Congrats again on your new car!