My battery is fading

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2015
Laurel, MD
I'm sure it's not replaceable yet, but I can't keep kidding myself that the decline I'm seeing in my range is only seasonal, or whatever. I was getting in the low 60's when I bought the car, then the 50's; and then today, I drove 45 miles and only had 3 left (supposedly). This with no heating or A/C. It seems like it's accelerating. :(

It's a 2012 that I've had since 2015, but with only ~8500 miles on it.
Too many variables contribute to the life of a battery pack: calendar time, past charging regimen, leadfooting vs. featherfooting, environmental extremes it's been subjected to, etc. Mitsubishi specifically excluded battery degradation from its 10-year battery warranty.

Even with CHAdeMO, we find ourselves taking the Tesla for 100-mile round trips which we used to take nonchalantly in the i-MiEV, as such a trip would now necessitate two stops (instead of one), exacerbated by "charging station availability anxiety" as more EV owners hog dcfc.