Have now covered over 9114 miles (14667km) since early February and here's the latest actual measured energy consumption (from the wall) summary since I started keeping track:
Distance driven with measurements:
8055.5mi (12964km)
Energy consumed:
Average 4.204miles/kWh (6.765km/kWh)
Average 0.238kWh/mi (0.1478kWh/km)
Average 23.8kWh/100mi
Average 14.8kWh/100km
All the caveats of my 6/15/12 posting apply.
Don't forget, this is wall-to-wheels which means that the actual energy delivered from the grid to the vehicle has been measured, and
the onboard charger inefficiencies are included. This must not to be confused with, e.g., the Leaf's dashboard readout which DOES NOT include the charger.
I had also been keeping track of my Range Remaining each time I fully recharged, and the numbers range from a low of RR = 48mi (77km) to a high of RR = 98mi (158km), with an overall average of RR = 69.9mi (113km). To this day, I am unable to predict what that number will be when I fully charge up the car.
Although I do keep track of whether I was using L1 or L2 (to see what the % of each is), it doesn't mean anything as for all of our local driving L1 would certainly suffice. L2 is simply handy to top up the car quickly for added insurance, or when taking longer trips.
I've been keeping track on a daily basis, dutifully adding up the individual hourly energy consumption increments off my T.E.D. (The Energy Detective), using the Kill-A-Watt (120vac) and a separate kWh meter (240vac) to corroborate the readings. Whenever I charged at a public EVSE or a friend's house, I recorded the exact amounts consumed. Finally, each time I fully charged the car I added up all the preceding partial-charge readings and put them into this
BTW, the Mitsubishi (Panasonic) L1 EVSE itself consumes 5W or 14VA (miserable power factor), so I've been turning it off when not in use.
The purpose of this exercise was to measure the actual wall-to-wheels motive energy consumption of the iMiEV. Earlier in the year when it was still cool I used the heater very sparingly and during the summer I also barely used the aircon, so the readings are fairly reflective of what the car uses. Now, since I have full confidence in the iMiEV's achievable range, I've recently taken to using its heater with wild abandon, as well as pre-heating the car at every opportunity.
This wreaks havoc on my data-taking and I think I'll now throw in the towel on this exercise as my objective has been achieved.
I can categorically say that, on average,
my iMiEV goes 4.2miles/kWh (6.77km/kWh). Put another way, my iMiEV has a superb efficiency of
0.238kWh/mi (0.148kWh/km) in roughly a 50/50 mix of city/highway travel.