Maximum Miles Driven on One Charge

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jennrod12 said:
Joe - of course, we can't show total miles driven and Range Remaining at the same time... ARgh! :roll:
Yeah we can, using a $40 GPS. I sure hope the next iMiEV iteration provides a nice stand-alone numeric display for both RR and SOC and at least one Trip Meter always visible.
Okay, JoeS - I know you got on me for calling the RR the Guess-O-Meter :roll: but I got another interesting commute results this morning. Yesterday, after getting my glorious 96km range remaining from about 130 RR when I started out, which is good - my commute is 43 km and I beat the original 'estimate' of 34 km by 9 km (130 - 96 = 34 - 43 = 9).

This morning I took note of the RR before heading out this morning, 116 km. Much lower than the day before. Yesterday, on the way home I faced strong headwinds but I still was able to get the car into the driveway with 4 bars and 30 km on the RR. My extra savings was absorbed by the headwinds. I'm thinking this is also why my RR was so low this morning.

Pulling into the parking garage at work this morning, I used only 5 bars and have 11 bars remaining. Same result as yesterday. I also pre-cooled just like yesterday, maintained my 90 kmh speed and did not use my A/C. I came in with 77 km RR beating the 'estimate' by 4 kilometers (116 - 77 = 39 - 43 = 4). Looks like the algorithm in the RR is working quite well. The 'estimate' is definitely getting tighter.

Not sure this belongs in "maximum [estimated] range remaining,
but just had to post this somewhere. ;)

Have had Evie (wife's name for our MiEV) for a month now.
Just ran for the first time the Mitsubishi recommended proceedure of fully charging than driving it down to two bars. Actually overshot the down-to-two-bars target and got down to one bar flashing and RR reading 3 miles by the time I got home on the last trip of this proceedure.

The data point I want to record here is that we got 112.1 miles on this full charge down to almost bottom end (didn't get down to turtle icon range so guess there was a tad more left.)

Is 112 miles any sort of record ? :?: :)

Mostly mild under 30mph driving around town, which is mostly flatish with mild climbs, plus one deliberate 5-8 mile run at 65- 75mph on the freeway in D mode with flooring it on the onramp.

Interestingly, though, the RR meter is only up to 85, when based on most recent history IMO it should be saying 112. hat is "if you do again what you just did you can go 112 miles again." Could its so-to-speak underestimate be because the last thing it saw was me driving 75mph?

Footnote: Using the upgraded stock charger at 12.5amps it takes about 13hours (plus or minus half an hour) to fully recharge.
Don said:
If your last 15 or 20 miles were done at 75, it wouldn't be showing you 85 like it did . . . . the number would be much lower. All the RR meter can give you is a prediction of how far you can go on your recharge based on the last 15 miles you drove . . . . *if* you drive the same way as you did for the last 15 miles.

Well, my speed run wasn't 15-20 miles, Don, more like 5 to 8. But I was imprecise in what I reported, Don:
The very last 4 or 5 miles was slow driving after I got off the freeway offramp.
(If you think about it unless I lived at the bottom of an offramp my last miles couldn't be the 75mph ;) ).
So what you explain (the RR computer is estimating based on something like the last 15 miles of behavior) is more or less consistant with what the RR is reporting, because my last 15 miles (had I recorded them) would look something like this: About 5 miles of slow mostly under 30mph almost flatland, about a 5 mile burst of heavyfooted 65 to 75mph driving, about 5 miles of 25mph almost flatland driving.

acensor said:
Is 112 miles any sort of record ? :?: :)
You have just reported on record of actual range on US spec iMiEV. Congratulations! It is actually 115 miles as the residual RR can be added to the range. It is also in line with my experience as per the video on Youtube (link above). Your speed was mostly below 30 MPH, mine was up to 40 MPH/ 45 MPH. Those 5-8 miles you were flooring it on highway is kind of inconsistency but apparently, that was not enough to kill the record. I think we should be also recording temperature/weather conditions, tire pressure and number of passengers. Did you make it all in one day?

JoeS posted somewhere on this forum that if you drive even slower at constant speed (like 22 MPH) we should be getting insanely long range.

jaraczs said:
acensor said:
Is 112 miles any sort of record ? :?: :)
You have just reported on record of actual range on US spec iMiEV. Congratulations! It is actually 115 miles as the residual RR can be added to the range. It is also in line with my experience as per the video on Youtube (link above). Your speed was mostly below 30 MPH, mine was up to 40 MPH/ 45 MPH. Those 5-8 miles you were flooring it on highway is kind of inconsistency but apparently, that was not enough to kill the record. I think we should be also recording temperature/weather conditions, tire pressure and number of passengers. Did you make it all in one day?

It was under mild conditions. Temperatures ranging from a low of about 50 farenheit to about 80 farenheit, over a period of 4 or 5 days. Probably a total of about 8 short trips. Tire pressure 51psi. Clear no rain a and little wind. And if we get into fine details, I should add the altitude (air density counts) was all about 2000 feet. ;)

Except for not really liking to top-it-up, the competive streak in me would try to top it. ;)

acensor said:
Well, my speed run wasn't 15-20 miles, Don, more like 5 to 8. But I was imprecise in what I reported, Don:
The very last 4 or 5 miles was slow driving after I got off the freeway offramp.
(If you think about it unless I lived at the bottom of an offramp my last miles couldn't be the 75mph ;) ).
So what you explain (the RR computer is estimating based on something like the last 15 miles of behavior) is more or less consistant with what the RR is reporting, because my last 15 miles (had I recorded them) would look something like this: About 5 miles of slow mostly under 30mph almost flatland, about a 5 mile burst of heavyfooted 65 to 75mph driving, about 5 miles of 25mph almost flatland driving.
Sounds correct to me - That average of 8 fast miles and 7 or 8 slow miles is why your RR wasn't as high as you thought it ought to be

acensor said:
Not sure this belongs in "maximum [estimated] range remaining,
but just had to post this somewhere. ;)

Have had Evie (wife's name for our MiEV) for a month now.
Just ran for the first time the Mitsubishi recommended proceedure of fully charging than driving it down to two bars. Actually overshot the down-to-two-bars target and got down to one bar flashing and RR reading 3 miles by the time I got home on the last trip of this proceedure.

The data point I want to record here is that we got 112.1 miles on this full charge down to almost bottom end (didn't get down to turtle icon range so guess there was a tad more left.)

Is 112 miles any sort of record ? :?: :)

Mostly mild under 30mph driving around town, which is mostly flatish with mild climbs, plus one deliberate 5-8 mile run at 65- 75mph on the freeway in D mode with flooring it on the onramp.

Interestingly, though, the RR meter is only up to 85, when based on most recent history IMO it should be saying 112. hat is "if you do again what you just did you can go 112 miles again." Could its so-to-speak underestimate be because the last thing it saw was me driving 75mph?

Footnote: Using the upgraded stock charger at 12.5amps it takes about 13hours (plus or minus half an hour) to fully recharge.
As far as I know, 103 RR is the record on this forum, but 112 miles driven is something else. Congratulations!

The RR is low (85 is high for me :? ) because of your freeway run at the end. If you wouldn't have jumped on the highway (and posted a picture of RR after you recharge), you would officially hold the record for MRR.

The highest I've seen is 89 miles, after 30 miles under 35 mph and two full-power accelerations (giving a friend a test ride). I normally float in the mid-70's RR (21 mile commute, mostly flat at 48 mph.

(Were our posts moved? I thought there were several posts between the original and my quotes)
For the record, posting this YouTube video showing not only that Gilles Demers RR prediction was 160km (100miles) but that he actually accomplished this! Thank you DonDakin for the link:

Ooh, I see his turtle (which I'd never seen) turned on at the transition between 2km and 1km RR.

Edited 1 July 2013: corrected link :oops: Thank you MLucas
acensor said:
...The data point I want to record here is that we got 112.1 miles on this full charge down to almost bottom end (didn't get down to turtle icon range so guess there was a tad more left.)
Is 112 miles any sort of record ? :?: :)
Yes, Alex, you win the claim for the record for Maximum Miles Driven on One Charge of 112.1 miles (180.4km). This record will probably stand, as astute owners will hesitate to stress their battery that much. :geek:
iMiEVNZ7 just reminded me that there is an existing iMiEV record, which was pointed out back in January 2012 by FiddlerJohn in this post:
The informally documented record by a couple of Hungarians is 219.5km (136.4mi) and is shown on this YouTube video with English subtitles:

They drove the poor iMiEV to a standstill, but they were very obviously gentle about it. ;)

Now, while acknowledging this record by a Euro-spec iMiEV, for the purposes of our Forum and this Topic I'm still soliciting our members to beat acensor's current record of 112.1miles (180.4km). Photos or video of the event appreciated.
On july 15 and 16, I personnaly drove 197,5 km ( 122,75 miles) to turtle, on a single charge. Three loops ( return trip) on different conditions. Max speed mostly 40 kmh (25 mph), a few times 30-35 kmh. Country roads mostly flat with little ups and downs. first day strong wind, second day no wind for the last 2 loops. Temperature 23 to 29 °C. At the start RR was 151 km.


194,3 km to 0 bars and RR=4
197,5 km RR=0 and turtle
202,0 km home on turtle
Around 8 km left on turtle.
Yes, Pier, in flat terrain and at 40 km/h constant speed, we can drive for 200 km. I think i could do the same in my i-MiEV, but the terrain isn't flat around my town. For me, you own the record of the maximum miles driven on one charge in this forum, 202 km. Congratulations.
Very impressive, Malm. I have a few questions for you. In most of the video, I see you are driving between 35-50 kmh (20-30 mph). What was the average speed limit during your trip? At one point, I saw a posted speed limit of 100 kph (62 mph), and you were driving only 45 kph (28 mph) at that time. Were you driving only half the posted speed limit for most of your trip? Did you get a lot of other drivers angry at you? It appears that a good portion of your trip was downhill. What kind of stats did you get on the return trip?
First question: as you can see in the vídeo, five hours and ten minutes trip, average almost 40 km/h.

Second question: sometimes i drove below half of the speed limit. I drove at the speed that i think was the best for the purpose of the trip.

Third question: absolute nobody angry with me.

Fourth question: When i started, i wasn't at home, so it´s impossible to tell. But this trip, at reverse, it's not possible in the same average speed, i think profile explains it.


I made this trip to show that i can beat in maximum range that two hungarians journalists. I did it.
Pier and Malm, nice to see your record-setting performances. Around here, driving on a two-lane road below the speed limit could be hazardous to one's health...

Malm's statement "201,4 km with one charge, 25 RR left" brings up an interesting proposition for this game we're playing:

Since many of us are unwilling to deplete our traction battery, what if we make it acceptable for this record to consist of Distance Driven + Range Remaining on One Charge, with Distance Driven being a minimum of 50 miles (80km) and photos of the two displays (e.g., Trip A and RR)?
Once again, it's just matter of who can find the biggest mountain

I still believe any 'records' posted should at a minimum require the recharge be done at the same location as the original charge - That makes for a level playing field for all contestants

Don said:
I still believe any 'records' posted should at a minimum require the recharge be done at the same location as the original charge - That makes for a level playing field for all contestants


I agree. Around here records are dones on return trips only.

Concerning my attempt, the purpose was not to break a record, that's why there is no pictures. I just wanted to experiment in different conditions and speed to know better what to do when our car is running out of energy or how to drive under various conditions.
What matter's is to start and end the trip at the same altitude (not at the same place). In the trip that a made 201,4 km, the last 120 where in flat terrain, and i went from 12 to 3 bars (spent 9 bars). If with 9 bars i can do 120 km, with sixteen i can do 213,33. If you create that rule (start and end in the same place) you just have to find the flatter ground and you go steadly at 30-40 km/h and you reach 200 km. The problem is no more who can find the highest moutain, but who can find the flatter ground!!!

I think you shouldn't create that rules, you should do it simple. Who goes longer is the owner of the record, and that is Pier (by 600 meters).

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