Well after owning a leasing a couple of I-MiEV's and doing a lot of messing around with them I finally sold the last one I had along with a pile of parts from a wreck that I bought. I really enjoyed the IMiEV and it's abilities to work very well for running around town on all kinds of missions. It never failed me, never ran out of charge and many times amazed me on how much stuff you could cram into it. I will miss it's little quirks. However, I have ended up with too many cars and trucks and with a new Volt in my future it had to go to make room. I will miss the car somewhat but most of all I will miss the interactions on this forum. I came to this site everyday to pass on whatever information I could and to learn from others about the I-MiEV and general EV related issues. I wish all of you current and future I-MiEV owners well and enjoy many years of driving the future