iMiev oddities

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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
So, step up here folks. List the oddities you have found, good, bad or indifferent. I'll go first.

There is no coat hook in the back. I'm sellin' the car now. :lol:
The gear selector letters on the floor are on the right side of the stick...a hold over from the steering wheel being on the right side in Japan.
The SOC meter is not visible from outside the car when charging - this is annoying if I want to quickly check how many bars I have.

Having to scroll through all the odometer settings to see how many miles are on my trip meter and then get back to showing range remaining is also a pain. I wind up just leaving it on range remaining all the time. So far, it seems, I usually have a good idea of how many miles I have left to go (unless I am driving in a strange area, but that is rare).

Second wiper that does not even have a squirt-er on it that is stuck up in the air. Hood pop on the pass side.

Level 1 and 2 charger on pass side of the car and you use that one most of the time.

24hour clock only on the ES radio

You can't preheat or cool the car with out the remote.

The remote it self.

No led lights but tail lights.

You can bounce the back of the car up and down in drive with the brake pressure. I think this could be adjusted in the pedal switch.

All little things but i still love the car for what it is good at and that is cheap driving.
jennrod12 said:
The SOC meter is not visible from outside the car when charging - this is annoying if I want to quickly check how many bars I have.

Having to scroll through all the odometer settings to see how many miles are on my trip meter and then get back to showing range remaining is also a pain. I wind up just leaving it on range remaining all the time. So far, it seems, I usually have a good idea of how many miles I have left to go (unless I am driving in a strange area, but that is rare).

They should have the scroll button is more convenient location, instead of behind the steering wheel. Ever try to push that button while you are driving? I have a dodge Journey though, where the button placement is even worse.
JrCRXHF said:
Hood pop on the pass side.
I can live with that 'cause I need it so seldom . . . . there's no oil level to check ;) It's probably a holdover from the RHD models - Oddly though, the prop that holds the hood up is on the drivers side
Level 1 and 2 charger on pass side of the car and you use that one most of the time.
This one doesn't bother me at all because I don't have to walk around trhe car at gas stations - In my case the way my garage is laid out, it's actually preferable that it's where it is . . . . probably that way for at least 50% of owners - Wherever they put it would be wrong for lots of us

24hour clock only on the ES radio
Same for the SE radio - This has gotta be an oversight on Mitsu's part. It wouldn't have cost them a dime to add a 12 hour clock . . . . all the buttons are already there

You can't preheat or cool the car with out the remote.
And the remote is no engineering brainchild either - I would have much preferred a cel phone app to do it all

No led lights but tail lights.
But I'm glad it has REAL headlights - The automatic ON feature is an energy saver too

You can bounce the back of the car up and down in drive with the brake pressure. I think this could be adjusted in the pedal switch.
I think this has something to do with a rear engine, rear wheel drive car - I had a Corvair in the old days which did the same thing

fjpod said:
They should have the scroll button is more convenient location, instead of behind the steering wheel. Ever try to push that button while you are driving? I have a dodge Journey though, where the button placement is even worse.
I could live with the button anywhere . . . . *if* they had laid it out so you could pick any 3 of it's functions to display on the gauge at the same time. You could then have range remaining, miles traveled (one of the trip meters) and any other funchtion of your choice - Odometer, temp, the second trip meter, etc

My personal pet peeve about the interior is that we have cupholders which completely block 2 of the A/C vents . . . . guess it helps to keep your drink cool though, huh? ;)

Actually, I tried having a cup in the cup holder while the fan was on and it didn't block the airflow nearly as much as I expected. In fact, it was pretty much a non-issue.

jennrod12 said:
Actually, I tried having a cup in the cup holder while the fan was on and it didn't block the airflow nearly as much as I expected. In fact, it was pretty much a non-issue.
But I think I read somewhere that you've only used the A/C once . . . . ? We've seldom driven our car without it, and it really makes a difference in how comfortable the car is when it's HOT out, especially with two big iced tea glasses blocking off half the A/C vents

As to range with the A/C - If you're not trying to hang meat in the car, it's not a big issue, which really surprised me. I was expecting a big hit when using it, but the little A/C system (it only holds 11 ozs of refrigerant) appears to be very efficient. Our best trip so far was 70 miles with 11 remaining and that was using the A/C most of the way

Hi Don,

Yes, I've only used the AC once, but I use the fan a lot :)

That's great range on your drive! We just drove 65 miles yesterday and returned home with 18 miles RR. We drove about 12 miles on the freeway, the rest was on surface streets, with stretches of long and straight with few traffic lights. We had a headwind going both directions (the winds shift in the afternoon), with the return headwind much stronger than we had going out, so we weren't sure how it would go. No AC on that trip for us! Maybe next time.

I know this is a really old thread, but I like it and had to add.

There is NO ashtray ! Where am I suppose to put my CHANGE !!??

I noticed this yesterday.

There is no Center compartment which would be nice to have just to put a few little things.... glasses, band-aids, pens paper ...
I think I will be adding the center console that someone posted about

Although the glove compartment IS roomy.
tigger19687 said:
I know this is a really old thread, but I like it and had to add.

There is NO ashtray ! Where am I suppose to put my CHANGE !!??

I noticed this yesterday.

I've been using the little "bin" in front of the shifter tower. It's small but good for change a pen and a few other items.

I was thinking about that , but my cell phone fits nice there. It isn't snug in the cup holder on the dash upper left :( I was afraid it would slid and hit the screen.

Maybe I will just put my change in there.
I went to WalMart and picked up a $5 Bell changeholder. It fits quite nice in the center cupholder. It also has a cavity in the bottom piece, which is great for pennies, an EVSE lock, and the paper clip programming tool (for those with the EVSEUpgrade). The only downside is you lose a cupholder.

In the center pocket, I have a tin of Altoids, a pen, my sunglasses, and a quarter holder (street parking in Pittsburgh is $3/hour, IN QUARTERS!). It all fits perfectly.

Yes, this thread is dated. By the way, I haven't noticed Jennrod12 being online for a long time. I hope everything's okay.

To add a few more oddities/features:
1. The variable intermittent windshield wipers are speed-sensitive, and if you have the rear wiper turned on, it will do a double pass when putting the car in Reverse.
2. The ES wheel covers have 5 of the six-dot patterns, and the openings are shaped like the 'i' jellybean.
3. The 6-dot pattern can be found on the door panels, on the door lock rockers, on the rear wiper motor cover, in the taillights, in the headlights, on the ES wheelcovers, and on the center piece of the back seat.
LOL, I meant that there is no extra place to put the change :)
I don't smoke, nor allow anyone to smoke in my vehicles
For months I've been perturbed that the front of my trousers above the knees was getting dirty. Finally realized, putting something into the back of the i-MiEV results in touching the back bumper with one's legs. DUH!

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