How many miles on your i-MiEV?

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Well-known member
May 15, 2013
Hagaman, New York
I did a quick search on the miles status of I-MiEV owners but for some reason I have an awful time with the search option. I'm interested to see how many miles I-MiEV owners have on their cars. What has been the most recorded to date?

I purchased May 23 of 2013 and I'm just approaching 6,000 miles on mine.
Check out this thread:

This site's search feature is broken. Use a standard search engine, and specify the and you can find things. I just did: "mileage" and found the thread above.


PS - I have roughly 12,000 miles (but bought our car back in June 2012).
Vino. Bought on 04/27/2013 . This is my wife's IMIEV. ~3500 miles
Bianco .Bought on 12/27/2013 . This is the one that I drive , and I do a lot.I have now 20.400 miles on it.
Almost 2000 miles a month so far!
clovi said:
Vino. Bought on 04/27/2013 . This is my wife's IMIEV. ~3500 miles
Bianco .Bought on 12/27/2013 . This is the one that I drive , and I do a lot.I have now 20.400 miles on it.
Almost 2000 miles a month so far!

Bianco, wow, good for you that's a lot of miles. Have they been 20,400 trouble free miles???
I made a simple spreadsheet to compare our mileage. Please, enter your data. Replace username user(x) with your username, enter date of purchase or lease and odometer number in the correct column (miles or km). All other data will be calculated. Update your odo no. regularly, for ex. once every month.

You can sort data by columns.

Is this spreadsheet functioning properly for you? Suggestions for improvement?
Zelenec said:
I made a simple spreadsheet to compare our mileage. Please, enter your data. Replace username user(x) with your username, enter date of purchase or lease and odometer number in the correct column (miles or km). All other data will be calculated. Update your odo no. regularly, for ex. once every month.

You can sort data by columns.

Is this spreadsheet functioning properly for you? Suggestions for improvement?

I suggest adding date of data insertion, and maybe things like longest distance achieved with one charge, country of origin and highest mRR obtained.
Thanks Zelenec. I added my cars, and would request adding a column for date the car was sold, as my ES was, in order to stop the clock. It appears that protected columns won't let me fix the rapidly falling usage stats on my ES :( .
Malm, thanks for your reply. I added coloumns you suggested.

jray3, you're right. "Today" is replaced with the date of last odometer entry.
I also added power used to charge battery from 0 miles (km), before turtle appears. Does anybody know exactly how many kWh are used to charge from --- to full? I think 16,6 kWh is close but not proved.

16kWh battery capacity
15% losses wall to battery
16 * 1,15 = 18,4 kWh from 0 to 100% SOC (I noticed this number last year when charging from dead battery 0-100% SOC)
Assuming that --- means approx. 10% SOC (please correct if you use Canion)...
18,4 * 0,9 = 16,56

I believe correct numbers could help us determine quite accurately the battery capacity loss of our EV.

EV mileage spreadsheet
I think the amount of energy needed to charge will depend if we charge at 10A or 16A. I think charging at 16A is more efficient. I charge at 16A.
Zelenec, thank you for the mileage spreadsheet, but I'm tearing my hair out as it is now addressed in three different threads. Would you like to start a new thread specific to this spreadsheet or would you like me to bring in everybody's comments into one thread?

Three comments:

1. The "kWh/charge" and "Loss of Capacity" is not realistic: in addition to time, measuring the input kWh varies with the input voltage and input current (and not simple power), as CaniON has shown us, and the starting point. None of us is going to deplete our battery to zero in order to perform this measurement; furthermore, the "Loss of Capacity" calculation is questionable.

2. Perhaps add a "Comments" column? For example, my "Best Range/Charge" number is "only" 78miles, but I still had two bars remaining. No way am I going to deplete my battery just to find out how far I can go.

3. At this moment there is a glitch in the spreadsheet which inserts a decimal point into our "Miles" entry; specifically, I entered "20851" and the spreadsheet interpreted this as "20.851".
"1. The "kWh/charge" and "Loss of Capacity" is not realistic: in addition to time, measuring the input kWh varies with the input voltage and input current (and not simple power), as CaniON has shown us, and the starting point. None of us is going to deplete our battery to zero in order to perform this measurement; furthermore, the "Loss of Capacity" calculation is questionable." Yes, that's not perfect, but there is no better way of doing that, and for me is the most interesting data from the table. I will not go by purpose to --- too, but maybe one day it happens because of something unexpected, and i will not miss the opportunity to measure it. Please, Zelenec, keep it.

"2. Perhaps add a "Comments" column? For example, my "Best Range/Charge" number is "only" 78miles, but I still had two bars remaining. No way am I going to deplete my battery just to find out how far I can go." And then i have to write aside 125 miles that i had three bars remaining... We shouldn't take this values so seriously, i don't have hurricanes here after all, to improve that number.

"3. At this moment there is a glitch in the spreadsheet which inserts a decimal point into our "Miles" entry; specifically, I entered "20851" and the spreadsheet interpreted this as "20.851"." In Portugal, 20851 and 20.851 means exactly the same. Here 20.851 is not equal to 20,851.

It´s my opinion. Zenelec, thank you for your work.
gmarcucio said:
clovi said:
Vino. Bought on 04/27/2013 . This is my wife's IMIEV. ~3500 miles
Bianco .Bought on 12/27/2013 . This is the one that I drive , and I doa lot.I have now 20.400 miles on it.
Almost 2000 miles a month so far!

Bianco, wow, good for you that's a lot of miles. Have they been 20,400 trouble free miles???
Yes. Trouble free!! Checked tire pressure! That's all. :D r
JoeS said:
Would you like to start a new thread specific to this spreadsheet or would you like me to bring in everybody's comments into one thread?
That was my intention, Joe. All three threads are related to our mileage, so it seemed a good idea to me to use a spreadsheet where all data is collected together. Perhaps it makes sense to join all three threads together into one.
JoeS said:
1. The "kWh/charge" and "Loss of Capacity" is not realistic: in addition to time, measuring the input kWh varies with the input voltage and input current (and not simple power), as CaniON has shown us, and the starting point. None of us is going to deplete our battery to zero in order to perform this measurement; furthermore, the "Loss of Capacity" calculation is questionable.
I disagree, Joe. Like Malm said, it's not perfect, but it's best we got for now. Different factors: time, voltage, current... have no significant impact on the accuracy of the data. kWh does not mean power (W) but measurable amount of power used to recharge the battery. When I charge on CHAdeMO (400V, 125A, 50kW), the end result in kWh is the same as when I charge home (220V, 13A, 2,9kW) if start and end points are the same (--- to 100%).

I'm sure depleting I-miev's battery to 12% SOC or charging to 100% has no significant impact, if:
-I don't do it daily and at extreme temperatures
-I don't left the battery empty or full for to long
-I don't expose the battery to stress (high current driving and regen) in an empty range of charge

Everyone can choose between which two points of SOC levels will be measured and note it while entering data. The --- to 100% seems best range to me, because all of us haven't (yet) any OBD dongle to follow SOC.
JoeS said:
2. Perhaps add a "Comments" column? For example, my "Best Range/Charge" number is "only" 78miles, but I still had two bars remaining. No way am I going to deplete my battery just to find out how far I can go.
You can add notes or comments in every cell in the table you enter. Rightclick the entered cell, choose insert comment (note) and write it. It shows when mouse coursor is over that cell. Use note just to say something and comment to discuss (another) something.
JoeS said:
3. At this moment there is a glitch in the spreadsheet which inserts a decimal point into our "Miles" entry; specifically, I entered "20851" and the spreadsheet interpreted this as "20.851".
Like Malm said, it's just a divider, not decimal point, 20.851 still means 20851. It's used for better perception of numbers with many digits after every 3 digits (for example: 1.546.452.647,15 where only last two digits are decimal points. Does your calculated yearly/monthly/daily mileage represent correctly? If yes, everything is OK.
Zelenec said:
JoeS said:
JoeS said:
3. At this moment there is a glitch in the spreadsheet which inserts a decimal point into our "Miles" entry; specifically, I entered "20851" and the spreadsheet interpreted this as "20.851".
Like Malm said, it's just a divider, not decimal point, 20.851 still means 20851. It's used for better perception of numbers with many digits after every 3 digits (for example: 1.546.452.647,15 where only last two digits are decimal points. Does your calculated yearly/monthly/daily mileage represent correctly? If yes, everything is OK.

This just has to do with the misinterpretation of the . and . usage between Europe and North America - their usage is opposite between those two areas. The spreadsheet was obviously created in the European standard.
Zelenec said:
JoeS said:
Would you like to start a new thread specific to this spreadsheet or would you like me to bring in everybody's comments into one thread?
That was my intention, Joe. All three threads are related to our mileage, so it seemed a good idea to me to use a spreadsheet where all data is collected together. Perhaps it makes sense to join all three threads together into one.
Zelenec, I will stare at this and see if I can combine them logically.
Zelenec said:
JoeS said:
1. The "kWh/charge" and "Loss of Capacity" is not realistic: in addition to time, measuring the input kWh varies with the input voltage and input current (and not simple power), as CaniON has shown us, and the starting point. None of us is going to deplete our battery to zero in order to perform this measurement; furthermore, the "Loss of Capacity" calculation is questionable.

I disagree, Joe. Like Malm said, it's not perfect, but it's best we got for now. Different factors: time, voltage, current... have no significant impact on the accuracy of the data. kWh does not mean power (W) but measurable amount of power used to recharge the battery. When I charge on CHAdeMO (400V, 125A, 50kW), the end result in kWh is the same as when I charge home (220V, 13A, 2,9kW) if start and end points are the same (--- to 100%).
Up until recently, I would have agreed with you; however, CaniON has shown us that the kWh into the battery does not translate directly from kWh from the wall (or CHAdeMO) with a simply % multiplier for charger inefficiency. Specifically, the amount of time one is charging affects the energy (kWh) drawn from the wall: at low voltage and low current levels, the car's charger and cooling pump consume more energy (kWh) over that period of time than if one were using either L2 over a much shorter period of time (even more so with CHAdeMO). Thus, because of this variability, measuring the kWh from the power source is (unfortunately) not that accurate a determinant of energy actually being stuffed into the battery. Pity, as it alters my last year's meticulous datataking for 8000miles (12874km). Need to do a CaniON data analysis to determine exactly what the numbers are for both onboard charger efficiency as well as ancillary equipment consumption.

Again, so as not to have been misunderstood, I appreciate and thank Zelenec for the spreadsheet.

I had a brain lapse: of course 20851 = 20.851(rest of the world) = 20,851(USA). What confused me was, for example, FiddlerJohn's entry which had no decimal attached to it.

Regarding the "kWh/charge" and "loss of capacity" - I think we all would like this information, but the point I made is that the variability in establishing this number could result in significant inaccuracies. IMO, no data is better than bad or inconsistent data.

Malm said:
... And then i have to write aside 125 miles that i had three bars remaining... We shouldn't take this values so seriously, i don't have hurricanes here after all, to improve that number.
:lol: :p :lol:
You are right Joe. It's not perfect method at all, but it provides a rough approximation. I think I'll keep this coloumn for a while if maybe somebody finds it useable at least until we find any accurate method.

I spoke yesterday with an expert of Metron Institute Team. He said the only reliable and accurate method is measuring of internal electrical resistance of each cell. I just don't know if such data is sensored in the battery pack and transmitted through CAN port. If so, maybe priusfan will be able to include it someday in Canion.

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