how does the imiev drive?

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Jan 16, 2012
Hi everyone, I'm new to the Mitsubishi i Forum - I just registered.

I'm not real close to a dealership for a test drive, so I thought I'd ask a question of owner's of the Mitsubishi i Miev. How does it drive? Is it nice? Is it smooth?

There are mixed reviews on the internet, mostly by non-ev enthusiasts who call it a glorified golf cart. Golf carts typically lurch on start up, and have touchy brakes that are sort of all on or all off - is this true of the Mitsubishi iMiev? Or is it just called a golf cart because of it's small size?

Thanks for your replies!
Hi barryc - welcome to the iMiEV forum!

I've only test-driven it a couple of times (three onboard), and am now awaiting delivery.

The "i" (US , "i-MiEV" in the rest of the world) is very much a modern small car which has decent handling, good acceleration for getting onto the Interstate, maintains highway speed with no problem, has very smooth power control, and has plenty of room for four adults. Also, it's very quiet.

Because of the regeneration (superior to the Leaf's), brakes should last a lifetime, and it has ABS, Electronic Brake Force Distribution (EBD) and Brake Assist (BA) as well. Overkill, IMO, but who knows what's mandated nowadays? Oh, and it's got a bunch of airbags as well.

There's nothing golf-cartish about it!

I think you'd do well to make an appointment with a dealer and go for a test drive yourself - this whole business of "size" and "ride" is a subjective area very prone to individual bias.

Correction: updated post to show that the Canadian vehicle is called the iMiEV. It is the same size as the US version.
"There's nothing golf-cartish about it!"
True, but there's definitely something go-cartish about it! ;)
I'm enjoying the drive a lot. The stiffer suspension doesn't soak up bumps like the Leaf does, which makes errands more interesting, but on the highway especially makes the wheelbase feel short (hobby-horse action over the concrete joints). There's still some sway in the corners, I'd like to add larger swaybars, and the ABS and Stability Control are, as in the words of one professional Leaf reviewer "quite intrusive". At the merest hint of wheelspin or a slide, they kick in brakes on individual wheels with a metallic rat-a-tat-tat.
My local streets are covered in snow right now, and the i can navigate them prudently, but it's not possible to do so recklessly! :twisted:
(Unless one were to disengage the safeties.)
Wow, that was speedy - thanks for the replies guys!

Yes as much as I love to drive recklessly, wife and kids should have more safety than 'fun' I guess :)

Sounds like I'll have to take the time to get to a Mitsubishi i dealership and see it /drive it for my self, but your reviews sound promising.

Thanks again.
We've been driving ours for a few weeks now. My husband does about 60 miles a day in it, taking the kids to/from school and errands. He says it feels peppy and responsive, even in ECO mode, which he uses all the time, even on the freeways. He says he much prefers it to our aging 10+ year old Prius.

I also really like it, finding it very fun to drive. I'd say the handling is very active feeling - you are aware you are driving. Not like the more insulated feel of the Leaf, nor the marshmallow feel of most American cars. For me, I think this is a good thing - as I don't like driving in a "cocoon". I don't think the handling is anything at all like a go-cart. I also drive it primarily in ECO. I did a comparison during a long freeway run this past weekend, putting it into D half way through the trip. I found it almost too responsive, and definitely preferred ECO. (Of course, realizing how much energy all those quick changes in acceleration on a highway take might have something to do with it!)
Great! Maybe after all the snow melts in the Pacific Northwest I'll be able to get out and test drive a Mitsubishi i Miev!

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