How do I disable the alarm so I can disconnect the 12 v battery?

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Jul 17, 2017
2012 iMiEV, UK spec Tamashii 13k miles

I'm storing my iMiEV for 2 months and want to disconnect the 12v battery to stop it from dying like it did last time. Car is under cover but no socket nearby for a trickle charger.

But the alarm goes off when I disconnect the terminal.

Does anyone know how I can disable the alarm?

Will I cause problems by leaving the 12v battery disconnected for 2 months?

You mean the alarm continues AFTER you disconnect the 12v? Not only have I not had the alarm go off when doing this, I would imagine that without the 12v connected that the alarm would stop.

On my car, it is easiest to simply lift off the negative (-) terminal.

No problem with leaving the 12v battery fully disconnected for two months. After coming back, I would put it on a charger briefly before hooking the car back up.
Yes, the alarm continued after I disconnected the black (negative) cable. Very loudly!

Too late now - I have to leave in a few hours and I don't have the to go to where the car is being stored.

I will just charge the 12 v battery once I get back.
Were the doors locked? With the remote?

I just disconnected the 12 volt on one of my cars because it won't be driven for a while. What I did was open the hood, lock the doors from the inside switch, disconnect the negative terminal, then close the hood. Locking with the button on the door won't set the alarm like using the remote will.

Food for thought for when you get to mess with it more.
I don't recall my i-MiEV alarm ever going off, so I have zero experience with it. PV1 addresses the issue, with the suspicion that the system was already 'armed' when the 12v battery disconnect was attempted.

This discussion left me a little perplexed, and my question remains: if disconnecting the 12v battery does not silence the alarm, where does the power to drive the horn and flash the lights come from? Seems a little far-fetched for the dc-dc converter to get activated by a triggering of the alarm system.

Thinking about this further, did merely loosening a battery terminal cause an intermittent connection which triggered the alarm which subsequently scared the bejeezus out of NippyCar and the full disconnect was never made? I mean, the horn is right there in your face if your head is under the open hood (bonnet)! :shock:

First-world issues... gone are the days when most of the time I not only left my Saab unlocked but kept the keys in the ignition as well, figuring it would be a rare thief who would not only know how to start it but also know how to use the weird column-mounted shift.