hobdrive - and i-MIEV ion zero, show electronic control units, reset errors

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Serhge said:
pbui19 said:
Hobdrive BMU screen has 2 displays for Ah. The first one is the same value as Canion display, which I've always interpret as pack max estimated capacity. Canion's Ah history shows the default built-in Ah decline over time.

The 2nd Ah value seems to be current pack capacity, as it varies with SOC. So I was surprised to see the 2nd Ah higher than the first value after charging to full, until it auto stopped. My numbers are 37.3Ah and 39.0 Ah; any idea how to interpret the 39.0 Ah ?

i-MIEV , ion , zero?
year of your elkar?
bmu photo screen?

2014 iMiEV, haven't figured out how to upload a photo; but the below links to one of your screen shot which shows 39.5Ah and 35.3Ah values at 91.5% SOC. In my case, it was 37.3Ah, 39.0Ah at 100% SOC. Is the 2nd value to the right how much Ah was putting into the pack ? my guess is that the first value is the BMS capacity model, which would get updated with the 2nd value had I performed a recal charge (from 2 bar to full on level 2).

pbui19 said:
Serhge said:
pbui19 said:
Hobdrive BMU screen has 2 displays for Ah. The first one is the same value as Canion display, which I've always interpret as pack max estimated capacity. Canion's Ah history shows the default built-in Ah decline over time.

The 2nd Ah value seems to be current pack capacity, as it varies with SOC. So I was surprised to see the 2nd Ah higher than the first value after charging to full, until it auto stopped. My numbers are 37.3Ah and 39.0 Ah; any idea how to interpret the 39.0 Ah ?

i-MIEV , ion , zero?
year of your elkar?
bmu photo screen?

2014 iMiEV, haven't figured out how to upload a photo; but the below links to one of your screen shot which shows 39.5Ah and 35.3Ah values at 91.5% SOC. In my case, it was 37.3Ah, 39.0Ah at 100% SOC. Is the 2nd value to the right how much Ah was putting into the pack ? my guess is that the first value is the BMS capacity model, which would get updated with the 2nd value had I performed a recal charge (from 2 bar to full on level 2).

On the screen, a value of 39.5Ah means that this option is available taking into account WWB degradation.
What the dashboard shows (89.5% and 91.5%) corresponds to a capacity of 35.3 Ah.
35.3Ah = 89.5% - the remainder of the charge.
89.5% corresponds to the dashboard.
91.5% corresponds to BMU calculations.

your electric car 2014 iMiEV,
you are using hobdrive which version?
you need to use hobd_1.5.47
or the latest version that is available now
Serhge said:
On the screen, a value of 39.5Ah means that this option is available taking into account WWB degradation.
What the dashboard shows (89.5% and 91.5%) corresponds to a capacity of 35.3 Ah.
35.3Ah = 89.5% - the remainder of the charge.
89.5% corresponds to the dashboard.
91.5% corresponds to BMU calculations.

your electric car 2014 iMiEV,
you are using hobdrive which version?
you need to use hobd_1.5.47
or the latest version that is available now

am using version 1.5.48
So how can the 2nd Ah value (35.3Ah entry) be higher than 1st Ah value (39.5Ah entry)
12000km drived 1y old battery in miev is 97,08% and 46.6ah.


Serhge said:
Tried the cell smoothing feature yesterday as I actually need to use it and I couldn't get it to work.

It's not clear what mode the car should be in while running it ? Plugged in charging, or just turned on in READY mode ?

I was able to get it working once but when I quit the app and went back into it it was off again, so it doesn't seem to continue when the app is quit ?

Most times when I have tried it (car in READY, near full charge) I just get an error that says cell smoothing cannot be activated.

Running version 1.5.50 Beta from the Google Play store.
Serhge said:
car mode is connected to charging, the cell is at least 3,800 volts
Ok. Does it stop the charging when cell smoothing mode is activated ?

If not, I don't see how it differs from just letting the car balance the cells during charge >80% SoC anyway.
DBMandrake said:
Serhge said:
car mode is connected to charging, the cell is at least 3,800 volts
Ok. Does it stop the charging when cell smoothing mode is activated ?

If not, I don't see how it differs from just letting the car balance the cells during charge >80% SoC anyway.

you need to catch the moment on a fully discharged battery

If it is turned on correctly, then it will charge with a small current with simultaneous balancing, the process is different from ordinary charging, it takes a very long time.

You can also turn it on again after standard charging, because it does not balance them constantly, but only minimally tightens the weakest
TobyGadd said:
Been awhile since I’ve loaded Hobdrive. Does it work for the 2016 North American I-miev now?

in the settings choose miev or minicab year 2014
Serhge said:
TobyGadd said:
Been awhile since I’ve loaded Hobdrive. Does it work for the 2016 North American I-miev now?

in the settings choose miev or minicab year 2014

Yay, that works! Thank you for updating the app!

I do get a "check engine" icon that blinks. My car's dashboard light isn't illuminated, so I think that this is a bug.
Got this thing to work, using ONE Link LX, had to download new vehicle profiles to find imiev, and it's really hard to read some of the screens. Does anyone know how to reset the battery management unit end pointa?
Can anyone advise if Hobdrive is now able to read Airbag fault codes?
I've only just bought the car, and after slamming back the passenger seat, the dreaded airbag light has illuminated.
I've got an OBDLink LX, and have been using the demo version of the app.
ONE Link LX - may work.
the demo version cannot read errors, but it may be able to reset the error, a hobdrive with a license can read errors and reset errors.
pillows and a few more blocks will be added soon, work continues.
It will reset some error codes but if the error persists the code will be regenerated. It will NOT initiate smoothing, even though there is a button that portends to do that. And there is a lot of dead wood in the application, variables that come up as zero or some default such as 32F.
vh2q said:
It will reset some error codes but if the error persists the code will be regenerated. It will NOT initiate smoothing, even though there is a button that portends to do that. And there is a lot of dead wood in the application, variables that come up as zero or some default such as 32F.
It is necessary to press the reset several times, this is not a professional scanner and so far it cannot wash immediately in one pass. but if the error remains after 10 discharges, then it is necessary to carry out repair work.

demo version has a functional limit

( sorry for english, I'm not strong. )

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