Hi Kiev , thanks for the reply , 12v is new the fault code is p1a44 which I think is leak detection, can be faulty compressor water in the unit or bad connectors , any ideas? SimonThe 12V battery must be kept fully (100%) charged at all times or it will suffer capacity loss due to sulfation of the plates. If not driven everyday then an external 12V charger must be used to keep it full and maintain useful life.
Hi Kiev thanks for the info will look at the fault finding , it did have u1073 and u1111 , I cleared those and I think the only fault code is p1a44Hi Kiev , thanks for the reply , 12v is new the fault code is p1a44 which I think is leak detection, can be faulty compressor water in the unit or bad connectors , any ideas? Simon
HiHi Kiev thanks for the info will look at the fault finding , it did have u1073 and u1111 , I cleared those and I think the only fault code is p1a44
Hi Mickey , thanks for the info will check the fuse and pump and let you know, simonHi
Try this, it worked for me:
Kiev - where do you get all these schematics ?The FSM shows 25 troubleshooting steps for this code,
Wiring diagram P1A44