Electric motor unit warning light (stopped charging mid-charge)

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Oct 17, 2018
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Hi everyone,

My electric motor unit warning light illuminated when I started my 2012 iMiev this afternoon (90,000 km). The 12V starter battery charging light also illuminates. Both lights come on about 2 seconds after the "READY" light and sound. I can put the car in drive and reverse, and it moves, but sounds different from the normal sound--slower and quieter.

We plugged in the car at 8 bars this morning. When I started it, it showed a charge of 11 bars, so it must have stopped charging mid-charge. Now when I try to charge, the "whoosh" sound starts but is cut short, then charging stops after 1 second and the electric motor vehicle warning light lights up.

Browsing the forum, I've learned that the 12V might be part of the problem--it is the original 12V. But the dome lights still turn on bright without the key, and the radio turns on in ACC mode, and the car is able to start, so it seems like the 12V is still functioning. Can you recommend any troubleshooting steps that I can take myself, or should I have it towed to the dealer? Should I replace the 12V myself before dealing with the dealer? I do have a battery tender and could attach it the 12V--I haven't tried that yet.

Thanks for your help.

British Columbia, Canada
worm said:
I've learned that the 12V might be part of the problem--it is the original 12V. But the dome lights still turn on bright without the key, and the radio turns on in ACC mode, and the car is able to start, so it seems like the 12V is still functioning. Can you recommend any troubleshooting steps that I can take myself, or should I have it towed to the dealer? Should I replace the 12V myself before dealing with the dealer? I do have a battery tender and could attach it the 12V--I haven't tried that yet.
Welcome to the forum.

you got your money's worth out of the OEM aux battery. Have it tested if you wish, but it is likely worn out and the cause of your problems.
Thank you. If the 12V is indeed the cause, rather than something more serious, I'm lucky. I'm also fortunate that there is so much useful information on the forum about replacing the 12V.

Update: I have bad news, good news, and a question.

The bad news is that I dropped a 10-inch socket head under the battery, and it's way down below, I can't see it, and can't get it out. I guess it will roll around while driving and maybe fall out on the road.

The good news is that I removed the original battery, topped up the reservoirs with distilled water, and have it on a battery tender. This is just to see if the car will charge and if the error messages will clear after taking these steps. But it's clear that I need to put in a new 12V, so my question is:

Does this Motomaster 151R look like it will work as a replacement (https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/motomaster-group-size-151r-battery-360-cca-0101510p.html) ? Its L-W-H dimensions are 184 x 125 x 222 mm, versus 188 x 125 x 225 for the original--so close that it might work without a shim, or maybe with a tiny shim underneath.

worm said:
The bad news is that I dropped a 10-inch socket head under the battery...
Umm, perhaps that's a 10mm socket? ;)
worm said:
The good news is that I removed the original battery, topped up the reservoirs with distilled water, and have it on a battery tender. This is just to see if the car will charge and if the error messages will clear after taking these steps.
Do verify that the battery gets up above 13v using that float charger and after you put the battery back into the car, as soon as the car goes to READY this voltage should jump up to around 14.4vdc. Do let us know what happens and if all the error lights go away.
worm said:
Does this Motomaster 151R look like it will work as a replacement (https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/motomaster-group-size-151r-battery-360-cca-0101510p.html) ? Its L-W-H dimensions are 184 x 125 x 222 mm, versus 188 x 125 x 225 for the original--so close that it might work without a shim, or maybe with a tiny shim underneath.
Should be a decent fit. What's important is the +/- terminal positions (defined by "R") are the same as the OEM battery.
Thanks for the response. My battery tender doesn't have a meter--it flashes a green light while topping up, then solid green when it thinks it is fully charged. After that I reinstalled it. Same error lights illuminated, car still won't charge. I will buy and install a new 12V and will see what happens after that.

Okay, I installed the Motomaster battery. It wasn't a perfect fit, but it is firmly secured. No change in the problems: charging fails after one second and the yellow electric motor unit warning light comes on. Car starts, states that it is READY, then two seconds later the yellow electric motor light and the red 12V error light both come on. I can put it into D, R, N, E, and B. I drove it back and forth in the driveway. When I brake, something sounds different, maybe like the brake pads are doing all of the work without any regenerative braking help at all.

So I'll need to take it to the dealer. My next question for the forum is: should I try to drive it there, or should I have it towed? The dealer is 14.6 km away from home, down one big hill and up another big hill. I have 11 bars, which would normally be plenty.

I've left it plugged in to the L2, just in case some magic happens overnight and it somehow learns to charge again.

Update: I had the car towed to the dealer. They diagnosed the error and said that as a start the OBC needs to be replaced and that "luckily" there is a warranty extension on that part so there will be no charge. Now we wait for the part to come.
worm said:
Update: I had the car towed to the dealer. They diagnosed the error and said that as a start the OBC needs to be replaced and that "luckily" there is a warranty extension on that part so there will be no charge. Now we wait for the part to come.
Excellent news! Please do follow-up and let us know how it all turns out after they replace the OBC.
Got the car back today, one week after having it towed to the dealer. Error code was P0A09. The dealer replaced the OBC. Everything seems to work fine now. Also, the problem compelled me to replace the 12V myself, 7 years after buying the car. I'm hoping for many more years of driving it.

worm said:
Got the car back today, one week after having it towed to the dealer. Error code was P0A09. The dealer replaced the OBC. Everything seems to work fine now. Also, the problem compelled me to replace the 12V myself, 7 years after buying the car. I'm hoping for many more years of driving it.
Happy ending! Thank you for following up. That 12v battery needed replacement, anyway. Good to know that the OBC warranty has been extended to our Canadian friends as well.

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