Um, did I lose a day?
Day 22 (7 April) you stayed in Santa Rosa, after 64 miles.
Day 23 (8 April) you struggled with a headwind and ended up in Moriarty after 82 miles.
Day 24 (9 April) you ended up in Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, after 64 miles, although Google says it's only 35 miles from Moriarty - boy, aside from getting a little lost, taking Route 66 instead of the Interstate added lots of miles. :roll:
So, today is Monday 10 April, which is Day 25, but your late-afternoon report is for Sunday??
Now that you're getting into hilly country, perhaps you might try your hand at GPS Visualizer to get a warm fuzzy feeling about being able to get your fuel gauge back up (or, at least, your RR) on the downhills.