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My experience with Canion hasn't been good, although I believe a proper manual would help (and yes I do know its unsupported yadda yadda yadda). It doesn't appear that the issues with Canion are consistent, although I would at least like to monitor charging rate (which I did once or twice) but lately that information is blank. Is there a way to force the app to show charging rate ? Note that I have a proper OBDLink dongle, not a crappy chinese one.

I notice that at least some users are happy with Canion, but to date I haven't found any debugging clues. The app usually starts OK but what it shows varies with the day and there doesn't appear to be any way to control its whims. Maybe its just female ?

I intend getting the OVSM board shortly, hopefully that will prove to be a more professional solution.
dracekvo said:

anybody knows, why my my Trip Timer and my Trip Timer 2 is empty?
Other menus working without problem.

Canion is a bit touchy if you don't exit it by pressing "back" and confirming you want to exit the app. If you just shut down on cold blood, those two panels get reset to nothing.
For me this problem was caused by one of the recent updates. I always exit the program cleanly with the back button so it wasn't that.

To fix it I simply reconfigured the two screens - touch on the left hand side of each line and you choose what you want displayed there. My TripTimer and My TripTimer2 screens are fully customisable.

I took the time to customise the screens, which I had not bothered with before.
I dont khow, that is possible click in left side and chose. Thx a lot. Problem solved :)

And question 2. If i have example power history and i select 24hour . It is possible zoom on specific area or not?
Since Canion seems to be the app most affected by this issue I thought I would share the details in this thread.

As we've suspected for a while, early OBDLink LX adaptors have a Bluetooth firmware bug that caused loss of pairing. This has now at last been officially acknowledged by Scantool and an RMA program is available to send the device back to have the Bluetooth firmware reprogrammed at the factory, then sent back to you. Unfortunately the Bluetooth firmware cannot be updated in the field - updating using the OBDLink Android app does NOT update the Bluetooth firmware, only the firmware for the main STN11xx chip.

See the following threads:

This is a thread from last year where I helped diagnose the issue:

In short if your adaptor is R4 or earlier it needs the Bluetooth firmware update to solve the issue with pairing constantly being lost with Canion. (Other apps are affected too, but not as much)

I was lucky enough to be sent an R9 adaptor last year as part of the troubleshooting process and can confirm that I don't have any Bluetooth pairing issues with the R9 revision. Although I was sent a new one without needing to send the old one back it looks like now they have openly acknowledged the problem and have a fix they asking for the devices to be RMA'ed in for a firmware update rather than sending out new adaptors, which is probably fair enough as it would probably be cripplingly expensive to just send out replacements to anyone affected!
Over the years I used CanIon, I ended up with 13 different SQLite databases. Some contained overlapping data which made it difficult to track when and how much data I had collected. To do the data analysis shown elsewhere on this forum I had to bring this data together in one consistent DB on my PC. This is the procedure I used.

Step 1 Install SQLite on the PC
You can find the package here:
under Precompiled Binaries for Windows.

Step 2 Collect the CanIon btcan.db files in one folder on the PC.

Step 3 Open the most recent btcan.db in SQLite. This insures that you have the tables such as SECLOG with all the columns

Step 4 Export this DB with only the table structure
File>Export>Database to SQL file gives this dialog:

Note that “Export schema only” is chosen in the second to the last box. Do not change the other settings. Click save and choose a new DB name as e.g. btcanAll.db.sql in the next dialog. Then save the file.

Step 5 Export the same DB with only the data
File>Export>Database to SQL file gives this dialog again:

Note that “Export data only” is chosen in the last box. Do not change the other settings. Click save. Then save the sql file with the original btcan name.
Some but not all btcan files have a table called android metadata. If this table isn’t found in btcanAll then avoid exporting data from this table. You can do this by clicking on android metadata in the above dialog and thereby removing the highlight.

Step 6 Open each of the btcan files and repeat step 5. Now you have one empty db.sql file “btcanAll.db.sql” and db.sql files with only data for each of the DBs you wish to merge.

Step 7 Import the empty db.sql file which I’m calling btcanAll.db.sql using File>Import>Database from SQL file. Choose btcanAll.db.sql and open. Answer yes when you get the “Do you what to creat a new database” question. In the next dialog choose a new name, you can use btcanAll.db, and click save.

Step 8 If you suspect that the same data can be found in more than one DB you now have to remove the primary key in the tables with primary keys. If you don’t do this the process of importing all your data into this empty database will stop if it encounters data already in the database. The tables with primary keys are:
To remove the primary key, click on ODOLOG in the Database Structure dialog. Right click and choose Modify Table and in the next dialog remove the check mark under PK by ODO. Click OK and repeat the process for the other 4 tables.

Step 9 Now import the SQL data files into btcanAll using File>Import>Database from SQL for each of the SQL files with data only. Answer NO to the “Do you what to creat a new database” question. If everything works as it should you will see a progress bar then an “Import completed” dialog. Click ok and repeat the import for the next db.sql data file.

When you have finished the process you should have one btcan database with all you data.

If you have duplicate data in your tables and you need a data set without duplicates you can do this with a SQL query. Here is an example for the SECLOG table:

You can export this unique data set to a comma separated file using the magnifying glass icon in the fourth line from the top. Comma separated files can be imported into Excel and many other programs. They can also be imported into a new btcan database without duplicate data and with the primary keys intact.
Hello all,

A couple of questions:

I just installed canion 1.5 I think I had version 1.4 for a long time.

When I start it up it seems to sit on the black screen sometimes forever... I reboot the phone and then it will start and work.

Also I have never seen the red AH field come up with anything. I have a "batman" STN1170 OBDII-DEFD dongle that I got when CANION first came out. I don't know if it's filtering out the pid with the AH information or not. It would be nice to know my AH capacity as computed by the car.

Any help would be great...

Hi DonDakin,

I also used the STN1170 with Canion when it first came out, but it DOES NOT pass through the Ah capacity number. I subsequently bought an OBDLink LX Bluetooth and it works just fine for that and all other functions.

I'm using an ancient Android tablet and occasionally and seemingly randomly am not able to connect Canion with the OBDLink, but that's readily solved usually by just unplugging and replugging in the OBDLink and/or rebooting the tablet and re-pairing the Bluetooth. Note that there is a (two minute?) time limit within which to pair the OBDLink to the phone or tablet after pushing the button on the OBDLink.

Have not noticed a time delay in the app loading.

Good luck!
Thanks for the info Joe and long time no speak....

I took a look around and I see the ODB link MX+ which is compatible with another program for another car That I am interested in. So I would consider buying that one to cover both the imiev and the other car. Does anyone know if the ODBLINK MX+ works completely with CANION ?

Thanks again for the information.

Yes, the OBDLink MX+ works with Canion - I have both an LX and an MX+ and they both work with Canion using an Android tablet and Bluetooth.

Although the MX+ is supposedly a much faster adaptor internally, (as well as more support for cars) I don't notice any difference between them for the purposes of Canion, except that the MX+ boots up much faster when you plug it in.

So if you only need Canion the extra expense of the MX+ is not justified however if you want the MX+ for other reasons then yes it will do Canion too, along with Hobdrive, OBD Zero etc...
One more point Joe,

I had a very large (original) database in the telephone which I removed and now it seems to start fine. It's a very old phone perhaps it was just very slow to load the database.

OK so I got my ODBlinkMX+ today and magically the AH number appeared... Yeah.... :D

I have 2x2012's and the results are:

95000 KM one gives 36.0 AH

50000 KM one gives 37.3 AH

It's also pretty cold now -4 deg I would expect that number to go up in the spring and perhaps dip more in the summer.

It's interesting to see that for almost double the mileage the difference is 1.3 AH or about 1.3AH*360V/120WH/KM ave summer = 3.9 KM difference in the cars. If a new car is 45.8 AH then i have lost 22% and 19% maybe less in the summer if the car is adjusting for temperatures.

Hello All,

Question not really on CANION but I was not sure it's worth it to create a new topic for this one.

Since buying the ODBLINK MX+ I am seeing the AH capacity which is the main reason for purchasing this adapter.

But it also came with ODBlink software for the phone and ODB wiz for windows. I tried them both on an ICE Nissan Rogue and they both worked perfectly.

I was wondering if anyone used this software on the imiev ?

Also they have a user defined PID function I was also wondering if that could be used to sniff pid's and display them in that app.


The OBDLink app is not compatible with any EV’s including i-miev as it is expecting regular OBD-II pids which are not supported by EV’s.

In fact it will cause the warning lights on the dash to appear as it attempts to probe the car to find out what it is.
Hey DBMandrake,

Thanks for the reply. I was a bit reluctant to try this app with the Imiev in case there was a problem.

I just thought it might be useful as it has plotting capabilities and it seems it can read PID's that you put into it beyond the standard ICE Pid's

Thanks for the heads up,


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